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Powerful promotions: An investigation of the teen-directed marketing power of outdoor food advertisements located near schools in Australia

Adolescents are heavily exposed to unhealthy outdoor food advertisements near schools, however, the marketing power of these advertisements among adolescents has not yet been explored. This study aimed to investigate the teen-directed marketing features present and quantify the overall marketing power of outdoor food advertisements located near schools to explore any differences by content (ie, alcohol, discretionary, core and miscellaneous foods) school type (ie, primary, secondary, K-12) and area-level socio-economic status (SES; ie, low vs high).


Sharing is Caring: A Study of Food-Sharing Practices in Australian Early Childhood Education and Care Services

This paper supports the practice of food sharing in Early Childhood Education and Care settings and calls for them to become embedded in everyday operations


Do Changes in the Local Food Environment Within New Residential Developments Influence the Diets of Residents? Longitudinal Results from RESIDE

There is limited longitudinal evidence supporting a link between food outlet locations and dietary outcomes to inform policy and urban planning. This study examined how longitudinal changes in the local food environment within new residential developments.


Individual, Social, and Environmental Correlates of Energy Drink Use Among Adolescents

To investigate the correlates of adolescent energy drink use using a socioecological approach to inform future interventions.


Does fast-food outlet density differ by area-level disadvantage in metropolitan Perth, Western Australia?

Socio-economic spatial patterning of fast-food outlets can result in disparities in the availability and access of food across geographic areas, contributing to health inequalities. This study investigated whether area-level socio-economic disparities exist in fast-food availability across the Perth metropolitan region of Western Australia.


Associations between proposed local government liquor store size classifications and alcohol consumption in young adults

Young adults' alcohol consumption appears to be impacted by liquor store density and convenience, rather than outlet size


Amped Up: An Energy Drink Study

Gina Hayley Trapp Christian BHSc(Hons1A), RPHNutr, PhD BSc (1st Class Hons), PhD W.Aust. Honorary Research Associate Program Head, Healthy Behaviours


Community and Food Environments study

Gina Nicole Trapp Wickens BHSc(Hons1A), RPHNutr, PhD BHlthSc (Hons) Honorary Research Associate Program Coordinator 08 6319 1033 Gina.Trapp@


The built environment and child obesity: A review of Australian policies

Child obesity is a serious public health challenge affected by both individual choice and societal and environmental factors. The main modifiable risk factors for child obesity are unhealthy eating and low levels of physical activity, both influenced by aspects of the built environment. 


Development of a nutrition-focussed food outlet classification system

Gina Trapp BHSc(Hons1A), RPHNutr, PhD Honorary Research Associate ARC DECRA Fellow & Head of Food and Nutrition Research Dr