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Showing results for "mental health aboriginal"


Wellbeing of breastfeeding women in australia and new zealand during the covid‐19 pandemic: A cross‐sectional study

During the COVID-19 pandemic, breastfeeding women have experienced restricted access to support, placing them at increased risk of mental health concerns and limited breastfeeding assistance. This study investigated the effect of the pandemic on feeding choices and maternal wellbeing amongst breastfeeding mothers living in Australian and New Zealand. We conducted a cross-sectional online survey that examined feeding methods, maternal mental wellbeing, worries, challenges, and positive experiences during the pandemic.


Current options in aerosolised drug therapy for children receiving respiratory support

In this review, we explore current knowledge and provide guidance as to when and how the inhaled route may be of value when treating patients whose tracheas are intubated



The importance of play for a child’s development is irrefutable. Playgroups provide a safe environment for children of similar ages to play and develop prior to starting school.


Kindy Readiness Project

Desiree Doctor Jackie Lisa Susan Silva Davis Gibson Prescott MBBS, FRACP, MPH, PhD BSc (Hons) BA (Hons), MPsych, PhD MBBS BMedSci PhD FRACP Co-Head,


Wet Cough

A wet cough in a child for more than four weeks could indicate infection in the lungs. The wet cough is caused by mucus in the airway. The mucus becomes infected with bacteria and causes airway inflammation that can progress to permanent lung damage known as bronchiectasis.


How we measure language skills of children at scale: A call to move beyond domain-specific tests as a proxy for language

The aim of this research note is to encourage child language researchers and clinicians to give careful consideration to the use of domain-specific tests as a proxy for language; particularly in the context of large-scale studies and for the identification of language disorder in clinical practice.


Comparison of experiences in two birth cohorts comprising young families with children under four years during the initial Covid-19 lockdown in Australia and the UK: A qualitative study

This study aims to understand the experience and impact of the initial COVID-19 lock-down in young families with children aged below 4 years. Free text questions were administered to participants in the ORIGINS (Australia) and Born in Bradford (UK) cohort studies to collect qualitative information on worries, concerns and enjoyable experiences during the pandemic.


The Impact of Waiting Times on Behavioral Outcomes for Children with Otitis Media: Results from an Urban Ear, Nose, and Throat Telehealth Service

Children with otitis media (OM) experience long waiting times to access Australia's public hospitals due to limited capacity. The aim of this article is to utilize an Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) telehealth service (the Ear Portal) to examine whether delayed access to specialist care is associated with poorer behavioral outcomes for children with OM.


Community Priority setting for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Research in Australia

Introduction Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder caused by prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE). FASD research is a rapidly growing field that crosses multiple disciplines. To ensure research is relevant and meaningful for people living with FASD, their families, and the broader public there is a need to engage community members in setting priorities for research.


The next generation of impact in cystic fibrosis

Lung damage in children with CF occurs much earlier than previously thought, and proving this is related to the decline that occurs later will create new paradigms for prevention and treatment.