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Admissions in Children with Down Syndrome: Experience of a Population-Based Cohort Followed from Birth

This study describes patterns of hospitalisations for children and young people with Down syndrome in Western Australia.


Environmental determinants of islet autoimmunity (ENDIA): a pregnancy to early life cohort study in children at-risk of type 1 diabetes

These observations suggest factors in the modern environment promote pancreatic islet autoimmunity and destruction of insulin-producing beta cells.


Respiratory impedance and bronchodilator responsiveness in healthy children aged 2-13 years

There is limited information on changes in FOT outcomes in healthy children beyond the preschool years and the level of bronchodilator responsiveness (BDR)...


Exposure to pesticides and the risk of childhood brain tumors

This Australian case-control study of CBT investigated whether exposures to pesticides before pregnancy, during pregnancy and during childhood, were...


Improving the health of First Nations children in Australia

Health and wellbeing of children and young people are the keys to human capability of future generations.


Perspectives on hand function in girls and women with Rett syndrome

Hand function is particularly affected and we discuss theoretical and practical perspectives for optimising hand function in Rett syndrome.


High tidal volume ventilation does not exacerbate acid-induced lung injury in infant rats

The impact of mechanical ventilation with high VT-low PEEP in infant rats with preinjured lungs is unknown.


The experiences of mothers of young adults with an intellectual disability transitioning from secondary school to adult life

The transition from school to adulthood for young adults with an intellectual disability involves movement from a generally secure and supported school...


Sex-stratified Genome-wide Association Studies Including 270,000 Individuals Show Sexual Dimorphism in Genetic Loci for Anthropometric Traits

Our results demonstrate the value of sex-specific GWAS to unravel the sexually dimorphic genetic underpinning of complex traits.


Prophylactic use of sublingual allergen immunotherapy in high-risk children: A pilot study

These findings suggest that this modified version of SLIT should be considered for retesting of mucosal-based immunotherapy for atopic asthma prevention.