CD46 measles virus receptor polymorphisms influence receptor protein expressionDespite the availability of measles vaccines, infants continue to die from measles. Measles vaccine responses vary between individuals, and poor...
Maternal Pre-pregnancy Body Mass Index and Offspring Temperament and Behavior at 1 and 2 Years of AgeRecent research suggests that fetal exposure to increased maternal body mass index (BMI) during pregnancy may be associated with psychopathology later in life.
A systematic review of risk factors for cerebral palsy in children born at term in developed countriesThe aim of this study was to conduct a systematic review in order to identify the risk factors for cerebral palsy (CP) in children born at term.
Sense of control and wellbeing decades after exposure to blue asbestos at Wittenoom, Western AustraliaThe objective of this study was to examine the impact of the knowledge of past asbestos exposure on psychosocial health.
Validation of a model for optimal birth weight: A prospective study using serial ultrasoundsThe aim of this study was to validate a model for optimal birth weight derived from neonatal records, and to test the assumption that preterm births may be...
The experiences of mothers of young adults with an intellectual disability transitioning from secondary school to adult lifeThe transition from school to adulthood for young adults with an intellectual disability involves movement from a generally secure and supported school...
Respiratory impedance and bronchodilator responsiveness in healthy children aged 2-13 yearsThere is limited information on changes in FOT outcomes in healthy children beyond the preschool years and the level of bronchodilator responsiveness (BDR)...
Prophylactic use of sublingual allergen immunotherapy in high-risk children: A pilot studyThese findings suggest that this modified version of SLIT should be considered for retesting of mucosal-based immunotherapy for atopic asthma prevention.
Collaborating with consumers: the key to achieving statutory notification for birth defects and cerebral palsy in Western AustraliaThe Western Australian Birth Defects Registry and the Western Australian Cerebral Palsy Register used multiple sources of voluntary notification without...
Alcohol-use disorders during and within one year of pregnancy: A population-based cohort study 1985-2006Given the severe risks to the fetus from heavy prenatal alcohol exposure, assessment and recording of alcohol use should be routinely undertaken in maternity...