Tasmania’s child and family centres: a place-based early childhood services model for families and children from pregnancy to age fiveTasmania’s child and family centres users made more use of early childhood services than did non-users
Toxoplasma gondii infection is associated with mitochondrial dysfunction in-vitroOur results show perturbation of host mitochondrial function following T. gondii infection that likely impacts on pathogenesis of disease.
Incidence of and risk factors for hospitalisations due to vascular complications: A population-based type 1 diabetes cohort (n=1316) followed into early adulthoodDetermining the incidence of hospitalisations and risk factors for vascular complications experienced during early adulthood in patients with childhood T1D
Physician training programs significantly improve diagnosis in cases coded as anaphylaxis over time: A major factor compounding time-trend data?We conducted an investigation of all cases coded as anaphylaxis presenting to the main tertiary PED in Perth, Australia, where all coding is performed by staff.
Production of IgG antibodies to pneumococcal polysaccharides is associated with expansion of ICOS+ circulating memory T follicular-helper cells which is impaired by HIV infectionDysfunction of T follicular-helper cells is a possible cause of impaired germinal centre and IgG antibody responses in individuals with HIV
ERS technical standard on bronchial challenge testing: General considerations and performance of methacholine challenge testsThis international task force report updates general considerations for bronchial challenge testing and the performance of the methacholine challenge test.
Prevalence and profile of Neurodevelopment and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) amongst Australian Aboriginal children living in remote communitiesEarly intervention services are needed to support developmentally vulnerable children in remote communities.
Early childhood development of boys with genital anomaliesWe found no increased risk of poor development among boys with hypospadias or undescended testis
Evolving Identification of Blood Cells Associated with Clinically Isolated Syndrome: Importance of Time since Clinical Presentation and Diagnostic MRIThis study aimed to identify a CIS peripheral blood signature that may provide clues for potential immunomodulatory approaches early in disease
Clinical presentation of Attenuated Psychosis Syndrome in children and adolescents: Is there an age effect?Older age at presentation of Attenuated Psychosis Syndrome was associated with less functional impairment, but age was not associated with psychotic symptoms