Childhood Overweight and Obesity: Maternal and Family FactorsThe need to target prevention and intervention efforts for childhood overweight and obesity towards families with overweight parents
The establishment of DOHaD working groups in Australia and New ZealandThis report introduces the DOHaD ANZ Working Groups and summarizes their plans and activities
Influence of maternal obesity on the long-term health of offspringIncreasing evidence implicates maternal obesity as a major determinant of offspring health during childhood and later adult life
Glycemia, Treatment Satisfaction, Cognition, and Sleep Quality in Adults and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes When Using a Closed-Loop SystemAndroid-HCLS in both adults and adolescents reduced nocturnal hypoglycemia and, in adults, improved overnight time in target range and treatment satisfaction
Narrowband UVB phototherapy for clinically isolated syndrome: A trial to deliver the benefits of vitamin D and other UVB-induced moleculesThe PhoCIS trial provides a fresh approach to re-defining the reported associations of 25(OH)D levels with multiple sclerosis development and progression
Biofilm forming potential and antimicrobial susceptibility of newly emerged Western Australian Bordetella pertussis clinical isolatesIsobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation (iTRAQ)-based proteomic analysis revealed significant differences in protein expression in B. pertussis biofilms
An exploration of the use of eye gaze and gestures in females with rett syndromeEye gaze is used more frequently than gestures for communication, and this is related to age, MECP2 mutation type, and gross motor abilities
Lao PDR. Early childhood education project Snapshot one: project background and baseline data demographicsThis snapshot describes demographic information of the 7,520 children in the baseline sample, including where and how they live.
Adolescents' Perspectives on a Mobile App for Relationships: Cross-Sectional SurveyAdolescents were likely to use a mobile phone app for relationship support, and use was not influenced by background characteristics
Discovery of Transcription Factors Novel to Mouse Cerebellar Granule Cell Development Through Laser-Capture MicrodissectionThis study provides an initial insight into the TFs of cerebellar granule cells that might be important for development