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News & Events

Flu Program for Patients

Flu season is here. The Paediatric Influenza Vaccine Program has started at PCH. Available now  to inpatients and children attending outpatient appointments, everyone is encouraged to get the influenza 

News & Events

Easter Tips

Easter Tips: How to enjoy the special time and strike a healthy balance between enjoying easter treats and maintaining your healthy meal routine.

News & Events

DiabHQ is coming

The innovative new data platform that will provide patients and families, clinicians and researchers with unparalleled access to diabetes-related information and resources is on its way. As the DiabHQ project enters its second year, we reflect on the progress to date and what lies ahead.

News & Events


Summer holidays here we come! The holidays are finally here and while a lack of routine is welcomed by most, being out of routine can be challenging

News & Events

Introducing the Rio Tinto Children's Diabetes Centre, A JDRF Global Centre of Excellence

Introducing the Rio Tinto Children's Diabetes Centre: A JDRF Global Centre of Excellence

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Clinic Update May 2022

PCH Diabetes Service Update We will continue to utilise Telehealth for most appointments and care for the next few weeks at least, but we remain ready to pivot back to face to face care as soon as possible.

News & Events

New Study: Water Survey UWA

There is evidence that physical activity is well known to increase the risk of hypoglycaemia in people with type 1 diabetes. However, little is known about the effect of water-based activities on blood glucose levels.

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JDRF podcast with Liz

Have you had the chance to listen in on JDRF Australia’s T1D Tune In interview with Professor Liz Davis?

News & Events

New video: Diabetes in Schools

Anthony and Zavier's mum Lucy talks about her contrasting school experiences in dealing with her sons' type 1 diabetes - with and without the support of the Diabetes in Schools program.

News & Events

New study: Diabetes stress and coping strategies

The Children’s Diabetes Centre is investigating the ways young people, and their primary carers, cope with stressors associated with type 1 diabetes.