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The psychosocial impact of rare diseases among children and adolescents attending mainstream schools in Western Australia

Living with a long-term medical condition is associated with heightened risk for mental health and psychosocial difficulties, but further research is required on this risk for children and adolescents with a rare disease in the educational setting. The aim of this study is to describe parents’ perceptions of the psychosocial impact of rare diseases on their school-aged children in Western Australia.


Exploiting the reactive oxygen species imbalance in high-risk paediatric acute lymphoblastic leukaemia through auranofin

The prognosis for high-risk childhood acute leukaemias remains dismal and established treatment protocols often cause long-term side effects in survivors. This study aims to identify more effective and safer therapeutics for these patients.


An observational study of antibody responses to a primary or subsequent pertussis booster vaccination in Australian healthcare workers

Adult pertussis vaccination is increasingly recommended to control pertussis in the community. However, there is little data on the duration and kinetics of immunity to pertussis boosters in adults. We compared IgG responses to vaccination with a tetanus, low-dose diphtheria, low-dose acellular pertussis (Tdap) booster at 1 week, 1 month and 1 year post-vaccination in whole-cell (wP)-primed Australian paediatric healthcare workers who had received an adult Tdap booster 5-12 years previously, to those who received their first Tdap booster. Tdap vaccination was well tolerated in both groups.


Measuring skeletal muscle morphology and architecture with imaging modalities in children with cerebral palsy: a scoping review

To investigate the use of ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) methodologies to assess muscle morphology and architecture in children with cerebral palsy (CP).


Invasive group B streptococcal infections in Western Australia, 2000–2018

Neonatal and puerperal sepsis are major manifestations of invasive group B streptococcal (Streptococcus agalactiae; iGBS) infections. International data indicate the importance of iGBS infections among non-pregnant adults.


Eating and exercise experiences of Australian trans and gender diverse folks: lived experience and stakeholder perspectives

Trans individuals face elevated health risks and socio-environmental challenges, influencing their engagement in health-protective behaviors (e.g. exercise and nutrition). Despite these challenges, there is a significant gap in understanding the specific eating and exercise experiences of Australian trans adults, including barriers to healthy behaviors and healthcare experiences. This study aims to address this gap by exploring these experiences, informing targeted interventions and healthcare practices to improve health outcomes.


Acceptability and Implementation Challenges of Benzathine Penicillin G Secondary Prophylaxis for Rheumatic Heart Disease in Ethiopia: A Qualitative Study

Monthly intramuscular injections of benzathine penicillin G (BPG) remain the cornerstone of secondary prophylaxis for acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease (RHD). The barriers to successful delivery of BPG may be patient- or service-delivery-dependent.


Safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics of subcutaneous meropenem as an alternative to intravenous administration

Subcutaneous delivery of antibiotics is a practical alternative to IV administration. Meropenem is commonly used to treat infections caused by resistant Gram-negative organisms.


Bereaved parent involvement in co-designed stillbirth research: Experiences of Project Engage

While benefits of involving consumers in research are well established, bereaved parents face unique challenges, and descriptions of their experiences with co-designed stillbirth research are lacking. The collective experience of ‘Project Engage’ involved co-designing resources to support bereaved parents’ involvement in research.


Role of COL5A1 in lung squamous cell Carcinoma: Prognostic Implications and therapeutic potential

Lung squamous cell carcinoma (LUSC) is a significant health concern, characterized by a lack of specific therapies and limited treatment options for patients in advanced stages. This study aims to identify key molecules of prognostic importance in LUSC and provide an experimental foundation for their potential therapeutic applications.