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The Kids Research Institute Australia logo

Discover . Prevent . Cure .


CEED: Colostrum Exclusivity in Early Development

Research shows at least a third of newborns receive formula in hospital, a practice shown to be associated with an increased risk of cow’s milk allergy.

About us

Representing a 30-year interdisciplinary collaboration between The Kids, Perth Children’s Hospital, and WA Universities, the combined global impact of work from this Centre over the last 10 years has equalled some of the most influential paediatric centres around the world.

Equipment available - PCH outpatient clinics

The Respiratory Physiology Platform at the Wal-yan Respiratory Research Centre offers access to specialist equipment housed within the outpatient research department at Perth Children’s Hospital, dedicated for research use.

Contact us

Contact the ASAVI team

Community Involvement Opportunity - Research Buddies

Our Children’s Respiratory Science team is currently seeking research buddies to provide a community perspective on research into childhood asthma attacks.

Our research

The Wal-yan Respiratory Research Centre conducts research into a wide range of childhood respiratory disease areas.

News & Events

Boosting mums’ immunity could save newborns from deadly respiratory viruses

Perth respiratory researchers have discovered that giving an immune booster to mothers during pregnancy could increase their newborns’ resistance to severe and life-threatening respiratory viral infections.

News & Events

Lots to celebrate as Wal-yan Respiratory Research Centre turns 2

As the Wal-yan Respiratory Research Centre turns two, the Centre celebrates its achievements and thanks everyone involved in the work of the Centre.

News & Events

State Government grant to support development of new therapies for respiratory viruses

A project to be undertaken by a team of researchers at the Wal-yan Respiratory Research Centre, led by chief investigator Professor Stephen Stick, aims to develop interventions that could provide protection in the event of a new pandemic, and against common viruses already infecting children in WA.

News & Events

Seven innovative lung health research projects supported by Wal-yan Centre funding

Seven innovative lung health research projects have received funding support as the 2023 Wal-yan Respiratory Research Centre Strategic Inspiration Projects.