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Bianca gives back

Meet Bianca Bertrand – she’s a glass half-full rather than half-empty person, always looking at the positives in life, especially when it comes to managing T1D

Transition from child to adult services

The period of transition between paediatric (child) services and adult-based services is a sensitive one for patients with diabetes.


Ndrg1 in development and maintenance of the myelin sheath

CMT4D disease is a severe autosomal recessive demyelinating neuropathy with extensive axonal loss leading to early disability


Bringing optimised COVID-19 vaccine schedules to immunocompromised populations (BOOST-IC): study protocol for an adaptive randomised controlled clinical trial

Immunocompromised hosts experience more breakthrough infections and worse clinical outcomes following infection with COVID-19 than immunocompetent people. Prophylactic monoclonal antibody therapies can be challenging to access, and escape variants emerge rapidly. Immunity conferred through vaccination remains a central prevention strategy for COVID-19.


Participant and caregiver perspectives on health feedback from a healthy lifestyle check

The usual output following health consultations from paediatric services is a clinical letter to the referring professional or primary care provider, with a copy sent to the patient's caregiver. There is little research on how patients and caregivers perceive the letter content.


Patterns of combustible and electronic cigarette use during pregnancy and associated pregnancy outcomes

Although pregnant smokers may perceive electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) as safe alternatives to smoking combustible cigarettes, few studies have evaluated perinatal e-cigarette use and its associated health effects. We analyzed data from the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS, 2016-2018) for 16,022 women who recently gave birth and reported smoking combustible cigarettes prior to pregnancy.


ALMA/ACA CO Survey of the IC 1459 and NGC 4636 Groups: Environmental Effects on the Molecular Gas of Group Galaxies

We present new results of a 12CO(J = 1-0) imaging survey using the Atacama Compact Array (ACA) for 31 H i detected galaxies in the IC 1459 and NGC 4636 groups. This is the first CO imaging survey for loose galaxy groups.


Perceptions of two different alcohol use behaviours in pregnancy: an application of the prototype/willingness model

This study explored whether exposure to either an ‘ambiguous consumption’ prototype (no amount of alcohol specified) or a ‘small consumption’ prototype (‘small’ amount of alcohol specified) had an impact on prototype perceptions of, and willingness to use, small amounts of alcohol during pregnancy.


Longer duration of exclusive breastfeeding associated with reduced risk of childhood asthma up to age six

Breastfeeding is recommended for all infants irrespective of atopic heredity, although epidemiological studies provide conflicting results in this debate.


Early diet quality in a longitudinal study of Australian children: associations with nutrition and body mass index later in childhood and adolescence

The aims of this study were to determine whether early childhood dietary quality was associated with (a) infant and adolescent nutrition and (b) body mass...