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The Kids welcomes support for autistic students

The Kids Research Institute Australia has welcomed the recommendations to come out of the State Government’s inquiry into support for autistic children and young people in schools, released last week.


Attenuated psychophysiological reactivity following single-session group imagery rescripting versus verbal restructuring in social anxiety disorder

The current study highlights the specificity of brief imagery-based interventions in influencing psychophysiological reactivity in social anxiety disorder


A systematic review of the biological, social, and environmental determinants of intellectual disability in children and adolescents

This systematic review aimed to identify the most important social, environmental, biological, and/or genetic risk factors for intellectual disability.


Comparing Parental Well-Being and Its Determinants Across Three Different Genetic Disorders Causing Intellectual Disability

This cross-sectional study examined parental well-being in caregivers of children with one of three genetic disorders associated with intellectual disability.


Development of a video-based evaluation tool in Rett syndrome

This paper describes the development of a video-based evaluation tool for use in Rett syndrome (RTT).


Initial Validation and Reliability of the CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder Hand Function Scale (CDD-Hand)

Pathogenic variants in the CDKL5 gene result in CDKL5 deficiency disorder (CDD), which is characterized by early-onset epilepsy, severe developmental delay, and often, cortical visual impairment. Validated clinical outcome measures are needed for future clinical trials to be successful. This study aimed to adapt the Rett Syndrome Hand Function Scale for CDKL5 deficiency disorder and evaluate its feasibility, acceptability, content validity, and reliability.


Negative impact of insomnia and daytime sleepiness on quality of life in individuals with the cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 deficiency disorder

Cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 (CDKL5) gene pathogenic variants result in CDKL5 deficiency disorder (CDD). Early onset intractable epilepsy and severe developmental delays are prominent symptoms of CDD. Comorbid sleep disturbances are a major concerning symptom for families.


Validating the rett syndrome gross motor scale

The Rett Syndrome Gross Motor Scale could be an appropriate measure of gross motor skills in clinical practice and clinical trials