
The Kids Research Institute Australia is at the forefront of a global effort to track and prevent malaria – one of the world’s leading causes of disease and child deaths, particularly in developing countries.

Alarming statistics laying bare the social emotional wellbeing and mental health challenges facing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander LGBTQA+ youth are driving a multi-partner program to provide them with greater support.
Invasive Streptococcus A DiseaseStreptococcus A is a bacterium often found in the throat and on the skin.

Ngulluk Koolunga Ngulluk Koort (Our Children, Our Heart) ProgramBrings the Aboriginal community(s) of Perth together with service providers & policy makers to improve outcomes for Aboriginal kids and their families.

Focus Area
Chronic and Severe DiseasesThe Chronic and Severe Diseases research theme consists of five programs: Diabetes, Metabolism and Clinical Sciences, Cancer, Perioperative Care, Precision Health, and Respiratory Health.
How do high protein and/or high fat meals affect postprandial glycaemic control in children using intensive insulin therapy?Investigating the effect of fat and protein content of a standardised carbohydrate meal on the post-prandial glycaemic response in children with type 1 diabetes
A Database of the Complications of Obesity in ChildrenThe Obesity Database records the characteristics and medical complications of children with obesity who present to treatment at Princess Margaret Hospital
Feasibility of 24-hour hybrid closed loop insulin delivery in free living conditionsThe aim of this study is to see if the Medtronic hybrid closed loop system, a portable artificial pancreas is feasibly to use in the home.
Role of stem cell precursors in tissuesWe have recently published a paper identifying precursor populations in peripheral lung (2017), and have also discovered that these populations can be found in multiple tissues.

News & Events
Building a secure attachment with your childSecure attachments help children build resilience, self-worth, emotion regulation skills and healthy relationships.