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Showing results for "autism"


Temperament in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A systematic review

The study of temperament in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has the potential to provide insight regarding variability in the onset, nature, and course of both core and co-morbid symptoms. The aim of this systematic review was to integrate existing findings concerning temperament in the context of ASD. Searches of Medline, PsychInfo and Scopus databases identified 64 relevant studies. As a group, children and adolescents with ASD appear to be temperamentally different from both typically developing and other clinical non-ASD groups, characterized by higher negative affectivity, lower surgency, and lower effortful control at a higher-order level.

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Renowned Autism Researcher named Western Australian of the Year

Autism researcher Professor Andrew Whitehouse has been named this year’s Western Australian of the Year in the HBF Professions category.

Clinical Services Manager - Autism Early Intervention Centre

The newly created role of Clinical Services Manager will lay the groundwork for an exciting new early intervention centre for kids showing early signs of autism


Investigating associations between birth order and autism diagnostic phenotypes

Birth order effects have been linked to variability in intelligence, educational attainment and sexual orientation. First- and later-born children have been linked to an increased likelihood of an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnosis, with a smaller body of evidence implicating decreases in cognitive functioning with increased birth order. The present study investigated the potential association between birth order and ASD diagnostic phenotypes in a large and representative population sample.

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Autism researcher the youngest-ever Fellow of prestigious academy

Professor Andrew Whitehouse has been inducted as the youngest-ever Fellow to the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences.

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Study looks at fish oil as treatment for autism

The Kids Research Institute Australia research has shown nearly 50 per cent of children with autism have tried fish oil supplements, but does it actually improve symptoms?


Brief Report: Do the Nature of Communication Impairments in Autism Spectrum Disorders Relate to the Broader Autism Phenotype in Parents?

This research explored the relationship between the broader autism phenotype (BAP) among parents, an index of genetic liability for ASD, and proband...


An investigation of a novel broad autism phenotype: increased facial masculinity among parents of children on the autism spectrum

The broad autism phenotype commonly refers to sub-clinical levels of autistic-like behaviour and cognition presented in biological relatives of autistic people. In a recent study, we reported findings suggesting that the broad autism phenotype may also be expressed in facial morphology, specifically increased facial masculinity.


The International Collaboration for Autism Registry Epidemiology (iCARE): Multinational Registry-Based Investigations of Autism Risk Factors and Trends

iCARE provides a unique, unprecedented resource in autism research that will significantly enhance the ability to detect environmental and genetic...


Birth seasonality and risk of autism spectrum disorder

In the first multinational study of birth seasonality of autism spectrum disorder, there was evidence supporting the presence of seasonal trends in Finland and Sweden