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Changes in dairy food and nutrient intakes in Australian adolescents

Dairy nutrients, such as calcium, are particularly important in adolescence, a critical time for growth and development...


Food variety at 2 years of age is related to duration of breastfeeding

The aim of this study was to investigate the association of breastfeeding duration and food variety at 2 years of age.


Maternal work hours in early to middle childhood link to later adolescent diet quality

Previous studies on maternal work hours and child diet quality have reported conflicting findings possibly due to differences in study design, lack of a...


Hepatic iron loading in mice increases cholesterol biosynthesis

Iron and cholesterol are both essential metabolites in mammalian systems, and too much or too little of either can have serious clinical consequences


Modern and traditional diets for Noongar infants

Breast- & bottle-feeding patterns & the introduction of solid feeds & sugar containing drinks to the dietary intake of a cohort of urban Aboriginal infants

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Not just a breakfast program

A good healthy breakfast is not just a vital foundation for a productive day but can lay the groundwork for a community to pull together to overhaul its health.

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Poor diet seriously affects teens’ liver health

New research from Perth's The Kids for Child Health Research shows that a Western diet is associated with an increased risk of liver disease in teenag

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Western diet linked to teen's poor mental health

A new study from The Kids for Child Health Research has shown a link between Western-style diets and more mental health problems in teenagers.

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Food and nutrition in pregnancy

A healthy and balanced diet is important if you’re pregnant or planning a pregnancy.