Subjective memory complaints predict baseline but not future cognitive function over three years: Results from the Western Australia Memory StudySubjective memory complaints individuals present distinctive features of memory complaints as compared to non-memory complainers
BUILDING A STRONGER TOMORROW: Connecting our communities through CultureBring together experts, leaders and members of the national and international Indigenous community to identify culturally appropriate approaches to suicide prevention
Mandatory vaccination and no fault vaccine injury compensation schemes: An identification of country-level policiesCountries that mandate childhood vaccination without providing no fault compensation schemes could be seen as abrogating the social contract
Short-term changes in frequencies of circulating leukocytes associated with narrowband UVB phototherapy in people with clinically isolated syndromeSince B cells are increasingly targeted by MS therapies, the effects of narrowband UVB phototherapy in people with MS should be investigated further
Meta-taxonomic analysis of prokaryotic and eukaryotic gut flora in stool samples from visceral leishmaniasis cases and endemic controls in Bihar State IndiaWe evaluate a meta-taxonomic approach to determine the composition of prokaryotic and eukaryotic gut microflora using sequencing of 16S RNA and 18S rRNA
Effectiveness of rotavirus vaccines in an Australian population: A case-control studyRV1 and RV5 were both effective in preventing laboratory confirmed and notified rotavirus infections among children aged <5 years
In Epigenomic Studies, Including Cell-Type Adjustments in Regression Models Can Introduce Multicollinearity, Resulting in Apparent Reversal of Direction of AssociationWhere cell types are highly correlated with other covariates in regression models, the statistical assumption of no multicollinearity may be violated
Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy Induces Epigenetic Changes Into Adolescence, Independent of Postnatal Smoke Exposure and Is Associated With Cardiometabolic RiskThis study demonstrates a critical timing of cigarette smoke exposure over the life course for establishing persistent changes in DNA methylation into adolescence
Association between pregnant women's experience of stress and partners’ fly-in-fly-out workThere is some evidence that the pregnant partners of fly-in-fly-out workers perceive their lives to be more stressful
Glutathione S-Transferase Genotype Protects against in Utero Tobacco-linked Lung Function DeficitsCertain glutathione S-transferase genotypes may have protective effects against the long-term deficits in lung function associated with in utero tobacco exposure