It is more “unbalanced” than you thinkSébastien Malinge PhD Laboratory Head, Translational Genomics in Leukaemia, Ursula Kees Fellow (CCRF), Cancer Council WA Fellow (CCWA), Senior
Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand (TSANZ) position statement on chronic suppurative lung disease and bronchiectasis in children, adolescents and adults in Australia and New ZealandThis position statement, updated from the 2015 guidelines for managing Australian and New Zealand children/adolescents and adults with chronic suppurative lung disease (CSLD) and bronchiectasis, resulted from systematic literature searches by a multi-disciplinary team that included consumers.
WALLABY Pilot Survey: H i gas kinematics of galaxy pairs in cluster environmentWe examine the H i gas kinematics of galaxy pairs in two clusters and a group using Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) WALLABY pilot survey observations. We compare the H i properties of galaxy pair candidates in the Hydra I and Norma clusters, and the NGC 4636 group, with those of non-paired control galaxies selected in the same fields.
The effect of TNF treatment uptake on incident hospital admission in Western AustraliaTreatment strategies for juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) have shifted significantly over the last 20 years. We examined the effect of the introduction of government-subsidised TNF inhibitor (TNFi) treatment on incident hospitalisation for JIA.
Ancestral SARS-CoV-2, but not Omicron, replicates less efficiently in primary pediatric nasal epithelial cellsChildren typically experience more mild symptoms of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) when compared to adults. There is a strong body of evidence that children are also less susceptible to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection with the ancestral viral isolate.
‘It’s All About Context’: Building School Capacity to Implement a Whole-School Approach to BullyingStudent bullying behaviours are a significant social issue in schools worldwide. Whilst school staff have access to quality bullying prevention interventions, schools can face significant challenges implementing the whole-school approach required to address the complexity of these behaviours.
Spatiotemporal mapping of malaria incidence in Sudan using routine surveillance dataMalaria is a serious threat to global health, with over 95 % of the cases reported in 2020 by the World Health Organization in African countries, including Sudan. Sudan is a low-income country with a limited healthcare system and a substantial burden of malaria.
Genome-wide analyses of individual differences in quantitatively assessed reading- and language-related skills in up to 34,000 peopleThe use of spoken and written language is a fundamental human capacity. Individual differences in reading- and language-related skills are influenced by genetic variation, with twin-based heritability estimates of 30 to 80% depending on the trait. The genetic architecture is complex, heterogeneous, and multifactorial, but investigations of contributions of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were thus far underpowered.
Multi-omics analysis defines highly refractory RAS burdened immature subgroup of infant acute lymphoblastic leukemiaKMT2A-rearranged infant acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) represents the most refractory type of childhood leukemia. To uncover the molecular heterogeneity of this disease, we perform RNA sequencing, methylation array analysis, whole exome and targeted deep sequencing on 84 infants with KMT2A-rearranged leukemia.
Severe maternal morbidity following stillbirth in Western Australia 2000–2015: a population-based studyThere is scant literature about the management of stillbirth and the subsequent risk of severe maternal morbidity (SMM). We aimed to assess the risk of SMM associated with stillbirths compared with live births and whether this differed by the presence of maternal comorbidities.