Global change, climate change, and asthma in children: Direct and indirect effects - A WAO Pediatric Asthma Committee ReportThe twenty-first century has seen a fundamental shift in disease epidemiology with anthropogenic environmental change emerging as the likely dominant factor affecting the distribution and severity of current and future human disease. This is especially true of allergic diseases and asthma with their intimate relationship with the natural environment.
Insights into the Clinical, Biological and Therapeutic Impact of Copy Number Alteration in CancerCopy number alterations (CNAs), resulting from the gain or loss of genetic material from as little as 50 base pairs or as big as entire chromosome(s), have been associated with many congenital diseases, de novo syndromes and cancer. It is established that CNAs disturb the dosage of genomic regions including enhancers/promoters, long non-coding RNA and gene(s) among others, ultimately leading to an altered balance of key cellular functions.
Antenatal creatine supplementation reduces persistent fetal lung inflammation and oxidative stress in an ovine model of chorioamnionitisChorioamnionitis is a common antecedent of preterm birth and induces inflammation and oxidative stress in the fetal lungs. Reducing inflammation and oxidative stress in the fetal lungs may improve respiratory outcomes in preterm infants. Creatine is an organic acid with known anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
Developmental regulation of type 1 and type 3 interferon production and risk for infant infections and asthma developmentType 1 and 3 interferon response capacity appears strongly developmentally constrained at birth
Cochrane corner: platinum-induced hearing loss after treatment for childhood cancerThis systematic review shows that children treated with platinum analogues are at risk of developing hearing loss
Machine learning vs addiction therapists: A pilot study predicting alcohol dependence treatment outcome from patient data in behavior therapy with adjunctive medicationThe majority of staff and machine learning models were not more accurate than suggested by chance
The role of skin testing and extended antibiotic courses in assessment of children with penicillin allergy: An Australian experienceA direct oral provocation challenge with the culprit drug in Australian children can be safely performed, avoiding resource-intensive and painful skin testing
Subjective memory complaints predict baseline but not future cognitive function over three years: Results from the Western Australia Memory StudySubjective memory complaints individuals present distinctive features of memory complaints as compared to non-memory complainers
BUILDING A STRONGER TOMORROW: Connecting our communities through CultureBring together experts, leaders and members of the national and international Indigenous community to identify culturally appropriate approaches to suicide prevention
Mandatory vaccination and no fault vaccine injury compensation schemes: An identification of country-level policiesCountries that mandate childhood vaccination without providing no fault compensation schemes could be seen as abrogating the social contract