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The psychosocial impact of childhood dementia on children and their parents: a systematic review

Childhood dementias are a group of rare and ultra-rare paediatric conditions clinically characterised by enduring global decline in central nervous system function, associated with a progressive loss of developmentally acquired skills, quality of life and shortened life expectancy. Traditional research, service development and advocacy efforts have been fragmented due to a focus on individual disorders, or groups classified by specific mechanisms or molecular pathogenesis.


Paediatric Medicinal Formulation Development: Utilising Human Taste Panels and Incorporating Their Data into Machine Learning Training

This review paper explores the role of human taste panels and artificial neural networks (ANNs) in taste-masking paediatric drug formulations. Given the ethical, practical, and regulatory challenges of employing children, young adults (18-40) can serve as suitable substitutes due to the similarity in their taste sensitivity. Taste panellists need not be experts in sensory evaluation so long as a reference product is used during evaluation; however, they should be screened for bitterness taste detection thresholds.


Taste-Masked Flucloxacillin Powder Part 1: Optimisation of Fabrication Process Using a Mixture Design Approach

It is extremely challenging to formulate age-appropriate flucloxacillin medicines for young children, because flucloxacillin sodium (FS) has a lingering, highly bitter taste, dissolves quickly in saliva, and requires multiple daily dosing at relatively large doses for treating skin infections. In this paper, we describe a promising taste-masked flucloxacillin ternary microparticle (FTM) formulation comprising FS, Eudragit EPO (EE), and palmitic acid.


Insights into the associations between the gut microbiome, its metabolites and heart failure

Heart failure (HF) is the end stage of most cardiovascular diseases and remains a significant health problem globally. We aimed to assess whether patients with left ventricular ejection fraction ≤45% had alterations in both the gut microbiome profile and production of associated metabolites when compared to a healthy cohort.


Understanding the role of microbiota in cancer

This chapter provides an update on the latest findings in the role of the gut microbiota in cancer. Herein we discuss how the composition and the diversity of the gut microbiota result in the latter to function as a tumour-suppressor, a tumour-promoter or an aid in the recovery post cancer treatment. © 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. All rights reserved.


A pilot study to develop assessment tools for Group A Streptococcus surveillance studies

Group A Streptococcus (GAS) causes pharyngitis (sore throat) and impetigo (skin sores) GAS pharyngitis triggers rheumatic fever (RF) with epidemiological evidence supporting that GAS impetigo may also trigger RF in Australian Aboriginal children. Understanding the concurrent burden of these superficial GAS infections is critical to RF prevention. This pilot study aimed to trial tools for concurrent surveillance of sore throats and skins sore for contemporary studies of RF pathogenesis including development of a sore throat checklist for Aboriginal families and pharynx photography.


Australian researchers oppose funding from the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World

Research and research funding must be independent of the tobacco industry, which continues to cause so much suffering


A marked shift in innate and adaptive immune response in chinese immigrants living in a western environment

There is a marked shift in innate and adaptive immune responses in Chinese immigrants after living in a Western environment for several years


Intellectual disability in children conceived using assisted reproductive technology

The risk of intellectual disability was increased in children born after assisted reproductive technology in Western Australia from 1994 to 2002


Insights into respiratory disease through bioinformatics

Here, we review the basic concepts in bioinformatics and genomic data analysis and illustrate the application of these tools to further our understanding of lung diseases