CFTR-dependent defect in alternatively-activated macrophages in cystic fibrosisCFTR-dependent imbalance of macrophage phenotypes and functions could contribute to the exaggerated inflammatory response seen in CF lung disease
PGE2 pulsing of murine bone marrow cells reduces migration of daughter monocytes/macrophages in vitro and in vivoOur results reveal long-lasting changes to progenitor cells of monocytes/macrophages by a 2-hour dimethyl PGE2 pulse that, in turn, limits the migration of their daughter cells to chemoattractants and inflammatory mediators.
Parents’ interest in their child's education and children's outcomes in adolescence and adulthood: Does gender matter?We found no evidence of gender-specific effects for the outcomes of academic achievement, educational expectations or educational attainment in adulthood.
The correlation between central and peripheral oxytocin concentrations: A systematic review and meta-analysisThese results indicate a coordination of central and peripheral oxytocin release after stress and after intranasal administration
A longitudinal analysis of the influence of the neighborhood environment on recreational walking within the neighborhood: Results from RESIDEevidence of the positive impact of well-connected neighborhoods and access to local parks of varying sizes on local residents’ recreational walking and health
Prevalence and treatment of psychiatric disorders other than psychosis in children and adolescents with 22q11DS: Examining associations with social and role functioningThe aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence and treatment of non-psychotic psychiatric disorders
Environment Changes Genetic Effects on Respiratory Conditions and Allergic PhenotypesGenotype-phenotype associations relating to bronchitis and allergy susceptibility are dependent on the environment
Epigenetic dysregulation of host gene expression in Toxoplasma infection with specific reference to dopamine and amyloid pathwaysOur results provide a possible functional link between Toxoplasma gondii infection and congenital/early life and adult neurological clinical signs
Immunological processes driving IgE sensitisation and disease development in males and femalesIn this review, we discuss recent mechanistic studies casting further light on how the expression of sex hormones may influence the innate and adaptive immune system
Evidence of functional cell-mediated immune responses to nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae in otitis-prone childrenThese data provide evidence that otitis-prone children do not have impaired functional cell mediated immunity