The Investigation of Health-Related Topics on TikTok: A Descriptive Study ProtocolThe social media application TikTok allows users to view and upload short-form videos. Recent evidence suggests it has significant potential for both industry and health promoters to influence public health behaviours. This protocol describes a standardised, replicable process for investigations that can be tailored to various areas of research interest, allowing comparison of content and features across public health topics.
Evaluation of the implementation and clinical effects of an intervention to improve medical follow-up and health outcomes for Aboriginal children hospitalised with chest infectionsAboriginal children hospitalised with acute lower respiratory infections (ALRIs) are at-risk of developing bronchiectasis, which can progress from untreated protracted bacterial bronchitis, often evidenced by a chronic (>4 weeks) wet cough following discharge. We aimed to facilitate follow-up for Aboriginal children hospitalised with ALRIs to provide optimal management and improve their respiratory health outcomes.
Nutritional quality of children’s menus in restaurants: does cuisine type matter?It is unknown whether the nutritional quality of children's menus vary depending on the cuisine type. This study aimed to investigate differences in the nutritional quality of children's menus by cuisine type in restaurants located in Perth, Western Australia.
Probiotic supplementation in neonates and long-term gut colonisation: A systematic review of randomised controlled trialsProbiotic supplementation in the neonatal period results in improved gut colonisation with probiotic bacteria in the short term. There is limited information on the long-term sustainability of this colonisation.
Safeguarding youth sexual and reproductive health and rights in the context of increasing climate-related disasters in the Pacific: A scoping review of policies and responsesPacific youth (15–24 years) experience multiple challenges to realising their sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). Climate-related disasters compound pre-existing social and health inequities, including for youth SRHR. Meaningful youth engagement is crucial to understand their risks and inform inclusive disaster responses.
Kids Voices, the perioperative experience of emergency surgery from children's perspectives: A qualitative studyThe study aimed to better understand children's emergency perioperative experience, a little researched topic. Current literature shows discrepancies between child and adult perceptions for the same healthcare experience. Acquisition of knowledge from the child's perspective can be utilized to improve perioperative care.
Arsenic and respiratory diseaseArsenic is the only environmental toxin that has been linked to both malignant and nonmalignant respiratory disease following ingestion, rather than inhalation, making arsenic a unique toxicant to the respiratory system. Chronic exposure to arsenic has been associated with the development of respiratory symptoms, impaired lung function, and chronic lung disease.
Murru Minya-informing the development of practical recommendations to support ethical conduct in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health research: a protocol for a national mixed-methods studyConducting ethical and high-quality health research is crucial for informing public health policy and service delivery to reduce the high and inequitable burden of disease experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
ADR3, a next generation i-body to human RANKL, inhibits osteoclast formation and bone resorptionOsteoporosis is a chronic skeletal condition characterized by low bone mass and deteriorated microarchitecture of bone tissue and puts tens of millions of people at high risk of fractures. New therapeutic agents like i-bodies, a class of next-generation single-domain antibodies, are needed to overcome some limitations of conventional treatments.
A study protocol for community implementation of a new mental health monitoring system spanning early childhood to young adulthoodFindings from longitudinal research, globally, repeatedly emphasise the importance of a taking an early life course approach to mental health promotion; one that invests in the formative years of development, from early childhood to young adulthood, just prior to the transition to parenthood for most. While population monitoring systems have been developed for this period, they are typically designed for use within discrete stages.