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Use of health services in the last year of life and cause of death in people with intellectual disability: a retrospective matched cohort study

People with intellectual disability were more likely to experience potentially preventable conditions at the end of their lives


Efficacy of the Aussie Optimism Program: Promoting Pro-social Behavior and Preventing Suicidality in Primary School Students. A Randomised-Controlled Trial

Aussie Optimism Program with teacher training along with coaching may have the potential to positively impact on suicidality and pro-social behavior in the pre-adolescent years


A phenotype centric benchmark of variant prioritisation tools

We hypothesised that the performance of variant prioriisation tools may vary by disease phenotype.


MatCH (Mothers and their Children’s Health) Profile: offspring of the 1973-78 cohort of the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health

MatCH is an Australian study to investigate the links between the health, wellbeing and living conditions of mothers and the health and development of their children


Accumulation mode particles and LPS exposure induce TLR-4 dependent and independent inflammatory responses in the lung

We aimed to delineate the effects of LPS and AMP on airway inflammation, and potential contribution to airway disease by measuring airway inflammatory responses


Early autism symptoms in infants with tuberous sclerosis complex

We examined early signs of ASD in infants wit tuberous sclerosis complex, approximately 50% of whom will meet criteria for ASD by age 3.


Investigating the long-term impact of a childhood sun-exposure intervention, with a focus on eye health: protocol for the Kidskin-Young Adult Myopia Study

A follow-up of Kidskin Study participants provides an opportunity to investigate the associations between a childhood sun-exposure intervention and potentially related conditions in adulthood


Cyber-Friendly Schools

This chapter describes a whole-school cyberbullying intervention developed and evaluated in Western Australia with secondary school students aged 13–18 years old


Personalized transcriptomics reveals heterogeneous immunophenotypes in children with viral bronchiolitis

Dysregulated expression of IFN-dependent pathways after respiratory viral infections is a defining immunophenotypic feature of AVB-susceptible infants


Identifying pediatric lung disease: A comparison of forced oscillation technique outcomes

These findings suggest the utility of specific FOT outcomes is dependent on the respiratory disease being assessed