Projected health impact of post-discharge malaria chemoprevention among children with severe malarial anaemia in AfricaChildren recovering from severe malarial anaemia (SMA) remain at high risk of readmission and death after discharge from hospital. However, a recent trial found that post-discharge malaria chemoprevention (PDMC) with dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine reduces this risk. We developed a mathematical model describing the daily incidence of uncomplicated and severe malaria requiring readmission among 0-5-year old children after hospitalised SMA.
Arsenic and respiratory diseaseArsenic is the only environmental toxin that has been linked to both malignant and nonmalignant respiratory disease following ingestion, rather than inhalation, making arsenic a unique toxicant to the respiratory system. Chronic exposure to arsenic has been associated with the development of respiratory symptoms, impaired lung function, and chronic lung disease.
ADR3, a next generation i-body to human RANKL, inhibits osteoclast formation and bone resorptionOsteoporosis is a chronic skeletal condition characterized by low bone mass and deteriorated microarchitecture of bone tissue and puts tens of millions of people at high risk of fractures. New therapeutic agents like i-bodies, a class of next-generation single-domain antibodies, are needed to overcome some limitations of conventional treatments.
Single-cell transcriptomic and spatial landscapes of the developing human pancreasCurrent differentiation protocols have not been successful in reproducibly generating fully functional human beta cells in vitro, partly due to incomplete understanding of human pancreas development. Here, we present detailed transcriptomic analysis of the various cell types of the developing human pancreas, including their spatial gene patterns. We integrated single-cell RNA sequencing with spatial transcriptomics at multiple developmental time points and revealed distinct temporal-spatial gene cascades.
Commentary: A spectrum for all? A response to Green et al. (2023), neurodiversity, autism and health careThe broadening of the clinical definition of autism over time-the so-called, autism spectrum-has run in parallel with the growth of a neurodiversity movement that has reframed the concept of autism entirely. Without a coherent and evidence-based framework through which both of these advances can be situated, the field is at risk of losing definition altogether.
Evaluation Tools Developed for Rett SyndromeRett syndrome (RTT) is a complex neurodevelopmental X-linked disorder associated with severe functional impairments and multiple comorbidities. There is wide variation in the clinical presentation, and because of its unique characteristics, several evaluation tools of clinical severity, behavior, and functional motor abilities have been proposed specifically for it.
Beta Agonists for Prevention of Respiratory Adverse Events in Children Undergoing Adenotonsillectomy: Long-Acting, Short Acting, or Not ActingAdenotonsillectomy is one of the most common surgical interventions in children, and while generally safe, it is associated with a risk of significant adverse events. In this issue, Kim et al report a prospective randomized controlled study comparing preoperative use of a tulobuterol (longacting beta agonist) dermal patch with placebo on the incidence of perioperative respiratory adverse events (PRAEs) in children undergoing adenotonsillectomy.
Community knowledge, attitude and practices regarding zoonotic viral haemorrhagic fevers in five geo-ecological zones in TanzaniaViral haemorrhagic fevers (VHF) cause significant economic and public health impact in Sub-Saharan Africa. Community knowledge, awareness and practices regarding such outbreaks play a pivotal role in their management and prevention. This study was carried out to assess community knowledge, attitude and practices regarding VHF in five geo-ecological zones in Tanzania.
Factors influencing scar formation following Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccinationThe prevalence of scar formation following Bacille Calmette-GuĂ©rin (BCG) vaccination varies globally. The beneficial off-target effects of BCG are proposed to be stronger amongst children who develop a BCG scar. Within an international randomised trial ('BCG vaccination to reduce the impact of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in healthcare workers'; BRACE Trial), this nested prospective cohort study assessed the prevalence of and factors influencing scar formation, as well as participant perception of BCG scarring 12 months following vaccination.
Intention to Engage in Alcohol Use during Pregnancy: The Role of Attitudes and PrototypesThere is no known risk-free level of alcohol use in pregnancy. Despite this, many still believe that occasional drinking is safe. To-date, there is limited evidence of the influences on women's decisions about low to moderate alcohol use in pregnancy.