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Showing results for "early lung health"


Anesthetic considerations in children with asthma

Due to the high prevalence of asthma and general airway reactivity, anesthesiologists frequently encounter children with asthma or asthma-like symptoms. This review focuses on the epidemiology, the underlying pathophysiology, and perioperative management of children with airway reactivity, including controlled and uncontrolled asthma.


COVID-19 implications for pediatric anesthesia: Lessons learnt and how to prepare for the next pandemic

COVID-19 is mainly considered an “adult pandemic,” but it also has strong implications for children and consequently for pediatric anesthesia. Despite the lethality of SARS-CoV-2 infection being directly correlated with age, children have equally experienced the negative impacts of this pandemic.


Error traps in pediatric difficult airway management

Difficult airway management in children is associated with significant morbidity. This narrative review on error traps in airway management aims to highlight the common pitfalls and proposes solutions to optimize best practices for pediatric difficult airway management. We have categorized common errors of pediatric difficult airway management into three main error traps.


What’s inside the box? Or shall we think outside the box?

With the deadly and highly transmissible SARS-CoV-2 virus causing the COVID-19 pandemic, there is global concern about the danger of contaminating healthcare workers (HCW), particularly during airway management of infected patients.


Community immunity: Developing a sensitive and specific SARS-CoV-2 antibody test

Peter Richmond MBBS MRCP(UK) FRACP Head, Vaccine Trials Group Head, Vaccine Trials Group Professor Peter Richmond is Head of the Vaccine Trials Group

Clinical Trials, Platforms & Cohorts

Learn more about all of the Clinical Trials, Platforms & Cohorts at the Wal-yan respiratory centre.


Distinguishing benign from pathologic TH2 immunity in atopic children

In addition to its role in blocking TH2 effector activation in the late-phase allergic response, IL-10 is a known IgG1 switch factor

The Raine Study: three decades of life-changing research

Between 1989 and 1991, almost 3,000 WA babies were recruited to the Raine Study - an ambitious research project which would yield a series of paradigm-shifting findings that changed scientific thinking. Three decades on, it has also changed the lives of those taking part.


Vitamin D deficiency causes airway hyperresponsiveness and increases airway smooth muscle mass in the lungs of female BALB/c mice

We tested whether there is a causal association between vitamin D deficiency, airway smooth muscle (ASM) mass, and the development of airway hyperresponsiveness


Comparison of neonatal T regulatory cell function in Papua New Guinean and Australian newborns

We compared neonatal T reg from children born in western conditions (Australia) with those of neonates born in high microbial conditions (Papua New Guinea)...