Prevention of Insulin-Induced Hypoglycemia in Type 1 Diabetes with Predictive Low Glucose Management SystemThe aim of this study was to determine whether predictive low glucose management (PLGM) system is effective in preventing insulin-induced hypoglycemia
Heat-mediated reduction of apoptosis in UVB-damaged keratinocytes in vitro and in human skin ex vivoUVB-induced p53-mediated cell cycle arrest and apoptosis are reduced in the presence of heat stress, leading to increased survival of DNA damaged cells
Differential gene network analysis for the identification of asthma-associated therapeutic targets in allergen-specific T-helper memory responsesDifferential network analysis of allergen-induced CD4 T cell responses can unmask covert disease-associated genes and pin point novel therapeutic targets
Missing voices: Profile and extent of acquired communication disorders in Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal adult stroke survivors in Western AustraliaThe needs of Aboriginal stroke patients with acquired communication disorder should inform appropriate service design for speech pathology and rehabilitation
Declining transition rates to psychotic disorder in "ultra-high risk" clients: Investigation of a dilution effectLater ultra-high risk psychosis cohorts presented with different clinical intake characteristics than earlier cohorts
Incidence of malignant mesothelioma in Aboriginal people in Western AustraliaThe Wittenoom mining operation has had a disproportionate effect on malignant mesothelioma incidence in the local Aboriginal population
Using online environments to build school staff capacity to address student wellbeingProfessional development of school staff can be enhanced with carefully developed and delivered online learning resources
Skin tumor immunity: Site does matter for antigen presentation by DCsTimely mobilization of tumor antigen-bearing dendritic cells (DCs) from the periphery to the lymph nodes is critical for effective antitumor T-cell immunity
The microbiology of impetigo in Indigenous childrenPrevalence and antimicrobial resistance of impetigo pathogens in a randomised, controlled trial of impetigo treatment conducted in remote Indigenous communities
Experience of gastrostomy using a quality care framework: The example of rett syndromeGastrostomy assisted the management of feeding difficulties and poor weight gain, and was acceptable to families