Have a (non-energy) drink on me: modifying the laws regarding energy drinks in AustraliaThis Article explains the negative health impacts that energy drinks can have upon children and it also examines the law concerning energy drinks in-depth
Neurodevelopmental outcome at 5 years of age after general anaesthesia or awake-regional anaesthesia in infancySlightly less than 1 h of general anaesthesia in early infancy does not alter neurodevelopmental outcome at age 5 years
Vitamin D C3-epimer levels are proportionally higher with oral vitamin D supplementation compared to ultraviolet irradiation of skin in mice but not humansThe proportion of 25(OH)D3 that undergoes epimerization is greater with oral vitamin D3 supplementation than exposure to UVR in mice, but not in humans
Assessing Restricted and Repetitive Behaviours in Online-Sampled Autistic and Non-autistic Individuals: Factor Structure of the Repetitive Behaviours Questionnaire for Adults (RBQ-2A)The Repetitive Behaviours Questionnaire for Adults (RBQ-2A) measures two factors of restricted and repetitive behaviours (RRBs) associated with autism. However, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) provides four criteria for RRBs: repetitive motor behaviours, insistence on sameness, restricted interests, and interest in sensory aspects of the environment (or atypical sensitivity).
The effectiveness of a day hospital mentalization-based therapy programme for adolescents with borderline personality traits: Findings from Touchstone—Child and Adolescent Mental Health ServiceIndividuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD) are at a substantial risk of harm to themselves and others, experience high levels of functional impairment and typically are high users of tertiary healthcare to address their mental health concerns. As indicators for BPD typically emerge in adolescence, a day therapy service in Bentley, Western Australia, Touchstone Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS), was developed as an intensive intervention for adolescents with indicators for BPD and its associated symptomology.
Mapping national, regional and local prevalence of hypertension and diabetes in Ethiopia using geospatial analysisThis study aimed to map the national, regional and local prevalence of hypertension and diabetes in Ethiopia.
Potential immunological effects of gender-affirming hormone therapy in transgender people – an unexplored area of researchThere are well-described sex-based differences in how the immune system operates. In particular, cisgender (cis) females have a more easily activated immune system; associated with an increased prevalence of autoimmune diseases and adverse events following vaccinations. Conversely, cis males have a higher threshold for immune activation, and are more prone to certain infectious diseases, such as coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
Complete Genome Sequences of Four Pseudomonas aeruginosa Bacteriophages: Kara-mokiny 8, Kara-mokiny 13, Kara-mokiny 16, and Boorn-mokiny 1Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen. Here, we report the isolation of four bacteriophages from wastewater. All four bacteriophages belong to the Myoviridae family.
The Use of Interdisciplinary Approaches to Understand the Biology of Campylobacter jejuniCampylobacter jejuni is a bacterial pathogen recognised as a major cause of foodborne illness worldwide. While Campylobacter jejuni generally does not grow outside its host, it can survive outside of the host long enough to pose a health concern. This review presents an up-to-date description and evaluation of biological, mathematical, and statistical approaches used to understand the behaviour of this foodborne pathogen and suggests future avenues which can be explored.
Human Milk Sodium and Potassium as Markers of Mastitis in Mothers of Preterm InfantsThis prospective longitudinal study examined changes in milk sodium concentration (Na) and sodium:potassium ratio (Na:K), microbiological culture, milk production, and breast health in relation to mastitis after preterm birth.