CAGE-defined promoter regions of the genes implicated in Rett SyndromeA comprehensive picture of the regulatory regions of the three genes involved in Rett Syndrome
Evaluating the capacity of Australian school staff to recognise and respond to cyberbullying behavioursTo prevent and manage students' cyberbullying, school staff must be aware of this behavior, be able to recognize it, and respond appropriately and skilfully.
Scoping review of the literature about family-centred care with caregivers of children with cystic fibrosisNeed for research into family-centred caring as a way of caring for children and families where one or more of the children have cystic fibrosis
'What women want': Using image theory to develop expectations of maternity care frameworkDeveloping, in consultation with women, a theoretically-grounded framework to guide the assessment of women's maternity-care experiences.
Evidence for the use of an algorithm in resolving inconsistent and missing Indigenous status in administrative data collectionsWe found that algorithms reduced the amount of missing data and improved within‑individual consistency.
Effectiveness of Palivizumab in Preventing RSV Hospitalization in High Risk Children: A Real-World PerspectiveThis review supports the recommended use of palivizumab for reducing RSV-associated hospitalisation rates in premature babies born at gestational age <33 weeks.
Transcription factor p63 regulates key genes and wound repair in human airway epithelial Basal cellsThe airway epithelium in asthma displays altered repair and incomplete barrier formation.
Prevention - what is the most promising approach?This paper is an editorial comment by Professor Patrick Holt on the potential for developing early intervention strategies in children with allergies and asthma
Cognitive Flexibility, Theory of Mind, and Hyperactivity/InattentionThe present study analyzed the concurrent and longitudinal relations among cognitive flexibility, theory of mind, and hyperactivity/inattention.
Neighbourhood Effects Influencing Early Childhood Development: Conceptual Model and Trial Measurement Methodologies from the Kids in Communities StudySocio-environmental factors, including the neighbourhoods in which children live and grow, are key determinants of children's developmental outcomes.