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Pregnancy and Early Life Immunology

The Pregnancy and Early Life Immunology team's overall research vision is targeted towards understanding immunological development during early life.


Child development at school entry and student wellbeing six years later

It has been well established that children's development at school entry is associated with their later academic achievement, but less is known about whether there is also an association with other measures of school success, such as students' social and emotional wellbeing.


Years May January October April View the infographics that we have published in 2023 including building a secure attachment with your child, back to

Coping with gender dysphoria

Gender dysphoria is experienced differently by everyone. Here are some ideas that could help trans and gender diverse young people cope with dysphoria.


Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes DNA bank

A register which stores demographic and clinical data on all patients attending the diabetes clinic at Princess Margaret Hospital


Wellbeing and academic achievement paper

In this report, we explore the relationship between student wellbeing, school engagement, and academic achievement.


Epigenetic changes underpinning allergen sensitization: a twin-based study

We are studying immune cells from identical twins of which one suffers and one does not suffer from allergic disease to identify specific mechanisms that may play important roles in disease development.


Diabetes, Metabolism and Clinical Sciences

Listed are all The Kids Research Institute Australia research teams involved in our Diabetes and Obesity Program. This program sits under the Chronic and Severe Diseases research theme.