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Clocking TikTok expertise across the Institute

Early career researchers across The Kids Research Institute Australia have come together in a serendipitous project that is laying the groundwork for a more informed discussion of the impact of social media on kids and young people.

Website for parents of trans youth to save lives

A new website for parents of trans children and young people across Australia is expected to improve family wellbeing and ultimately save lives after launching in May 2023.

New pneumococcal vaccine closes in on approval

Pneumococcal – a bacterial infection that can cause pneumonia and meningitis – is responsible for 1000s of hospital admissions in Australia each year, many of them children.

Perth dogs helping to fight cancer

Associate Professor Lesterhuis said the gel, developed with the help of chemists at The University of Western Australia, could revolutionise the way solid tumours were treated.

RHD Endgame tantalisingly close

Professor Jonathan Carapetis has made eliminating rheumatic heart disease his life’s work.

Facing the future: Giving kids in Tuvalu a better start as their country sinks into the sea

Children in the tiny Pacific nation of Tuvalu face a unique threat that should be a wake-up call to other countries across the world.


Perspectives on the essential skills of healthcare decision making in children and adolescents with intellectual disability

Involvement in healthcare decisions is associated with better health outcomes for patients. For children and adolescents with intellectual disability, parents and healthcare professionals need to balance listening to a child's wishes with the responsibility of keeping them safe. 


Development of best practice guidelines for clinical and community service providers to prevent suicide in LGBTQA+ young people: A Delphi expert consensus study

The aim of this study was to develop best practice guidelines for preventing suicide and reducing suicidal thoughts and behaviours in LGBTQA+ young people (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer/questioning, asexual, and those of other diverse sexualities and genders) within clinical and community service settings in Australia.


CRISPR-Cas9-generated PTCHD1 2489T>G stem cells recapitulate patient phenotype when undergoing neural induction

An estimated 3.5%-5.9% of the global population live with rare diseases, and approximately 80% of these diseases have a genetic cause. Rare genetic diseases are difficult to diagnose, with some affected individuals experiencing diagnostic delays of 5-30 years. Next-generation sequencing has improved clinical diagnostic rates to 33%-48%. In a majority of cases, novel variants potentially causing the disease are discovered. 


Longitudinal effects of dog ownership, dog acquisition, and dog loss on children’s movement behaviours: findings from the PLAYCE cohort study

Regular physical activity is important for children's physical and mental health, yet many children do not achieve recommended amounts of physical activity. Dog ownership has been associated with increased physical activity in children, however, there have been no longitudinal studies examining this relationship.