
News & Events
Driving and DiabetesGetting a driver's license is an important milestone for a young adult in terms of gaining independence, including young people with diabetes.

Pump failure guidelines

Download hypo/hyper/sick day management guidelines here.

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MAN v FAT Soccer: Feasibility Study and Preliminary Efficacy of a Sport-Based Weight-Loss Intervention for Overweight and Obese Men in AustraliaMAN v FAT Soccer is a sport-based weight-loss program for overweight and obese men that originated in the United Kingdom (i.e., as MAN v FAT Football) and appears to successfully engage men with weight loss.
Longitudinal changes in wellbeing amongst breastfeeding women in Australia and New Zealand during the COVID-19 pandemicThe COVID-19 pandemic has impacted new mothers’ wellbeing and breastfeeding experience. Women have experienced changes in birth and postnatal care and restricted access to their support network. It is unclear how these impacts may have changed over time with shifting rates of infection and policies restricting movement and access to services in Australia and New Zealand.
Psychometric properties of QI-Disability in CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder: Establishing readiness for clinical trialsCDKL5 Deficiency Disorder (CDD) is a rare genetic disorder with symptoms of epilepsy, developmental impairments, and other comorbidities. Currently, there are no outcome measures for CDD with comprehensive evidence of validation. This study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Quality of Life Inventory-Disability (QI-Disability) in CDD. Quality of Life Inventory-Disability was administered to 152 parent caregivers registered with the International CDKL5 Disorder Database (ICDD).
Urinary tract infections in children: building a causal model-based decision support tool for diagnosis with domain knowledge and prospective dataDiagnosing urinary tract infections (UTIs) in children in the emergency department (ED) is challenging due to the variable clinical presentations and difficulties in obtaining a urine sample free from contamination.
“Shame, Doubt and Sadness”: A Qualitative Investigation of the Experience of Self-Stigma in Adolescents with Diverse Sexual OrientationsMany adolescents with diverse sexual orientations lead happy and fulfilled lives. However, evidence consistently suggests elevated rates of mental health difficulties in this population relative to heterosexual peers, and internalization of stigma (i.e., self-stigma) is implicated in these elevated rates. This study aimed to understand and describe the lived experience of self-stigma with respect to participants’ sexual orientations.