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Diabetes Stigma Predicts Higher HbA1c Levels in Australian Adolescents With Type 1 DiabetesAdolescents with Type 1 diabetes (T1D) often need to undertake self-management tasks in public or disclose their diagnosis to others. Therefore, they may be subjected to negative reactions from the public, known as enacted stigma.
Home-based vs inpatient education for children newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetesWith adequate support, children newly diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes can be safely managed at home following practical skills training
Cyclical variation in the incidence of childhood type 1 diabetes in Western Australia (1985-2010)The objective was to examine the incidence of childhood type 1 diabetes in Western Australia from 1985-2010.
Exercise Management for Young People With Type 1 Diabetes: A Structured Approach to the Exercise ConsultationThis review provides a structured approach to assist in formulating person-specific exercise management plans for young people with T1D
The school experiences of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes in Western AustraliaElevated levels of emotional difficulties among school students with T1D and variable levels of support from school staff to assist these students to manage their diabetes at school
Transition models of care for type 1 diabetes: a systematic reviewManaging the care regimen for Type 1 Diabetes is challenging for emerging adults, as they take on greater responsibility for self-management. A diverse range of models of care have been implemented to improve safety and quality of care during transition between paediatric and adult services. However, evidence about acceptability and effectiveness of these is limited.
International comparison of glycaemic control in people with type 1 diabetes: an update and extensiono update and extend a previous cross-sectional international comparison of glycaemic control in people with type 1 diabetes. Methods: Data were obtained for 520,392 children and adults with type 1 diabetes from 17 population and five clinic-based data sources in countries or regions between 2016 and 2020.
Advanced glycation end products as predictors of renal function in youth with type 1 diabetesTo examine if skin autofluorescence differed in early adulthood between individuals with type 1 diabetes and age-matched controls and to ascertain if sAF aligned with risk for kidney disease.
The diabetes management experiences questionnaire: Psychometric validation among adults with type 1 diabetesTo examine the psychometric properties of the Diabetes Management Experiences Questionnaire (DME-Q). Adapted from the validated Glucose Monitoring Experiences Questionnaire, the DME-Q captures satisfaction with diabetes management irrespective of treatment modalities.
A new strategy for vascular complications in young people with type 1 diabetes mellitusThese findings present an opportunity to move towards the personalized care of adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus