Topical antibiotics for chronic suppurative otitis mediaTo assess the effects of topical antibiotics for people with chronic suppurative otitis media.
The Ultra-High-Risk for psychosis groups: Evidence to maintain the status quoOur findings demonstrate that Ultra-High-Risk groups evidence a similar clinical risk profile when we expand this beyond transition to psychosis
The social basis of vaccine questioning and refusal: A qualitative study employing bourdieu’s concepts of ‘capitals’ and ‘habitus’This article is an in-depth analysis of the social nature of vaccine decision-making
Autism and psychosis: Clinical implications for depression and suicideThis study examines the association of autism spectrum traits, depressive symptoms and suicidal behaviour in individuals with psychotic experiences
Incidental inequityReporting incidental genomic findings requires various considerations. One of these is that 'the clinical validity and utility of variants should be known'.
Gaps in Current Autism Research: The Thoughts of the Autism Research Editorial Board and Associate EditorsMini‐commentaries on what they considered to be the current gaps in research on autism spectrum disorder
Pregnancy Induces a Steady-State Shift in Alveolar Macrophage M1/M2 Phenotype That Is Associated With a Heightened Severity of Influenza Virus InfectionPregnancy is associated with an alternatively activated phenotype of alveolar macrophage before infection
Postvaccination Febrile Seizure Severity and OutcomeVaccine-proximate febrile seizures accounted for a small proportion of all febrile seizures hospital presentations
Impact of influenza on hospitalization rates in children with a range of chronic lung diseasesThis large population-based study suggests a significant healthcare burden associated with influenza in children with a range of chronic lung diseases
Role of pre-existing adversity and child maltreatment on mental health outcomes for children involved in child protection: population-based data linkage studyYoung people who have been involved in the child protection system are at increased risk for mental health events and diagnoses