Strep A: challenges, opportunities, vaccine-based solutions and economicsStreptococcus pyogenes (Strep A) is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality across the globe, annually causing hundreds of millions of cases of disease.
Standardization of Epidemiological Surveillance of Invasive Group A Streptococcal InfectionsInvasive group A streptococcal (Strep A) infections occur when Streptococcus pyogenes, also known as beta-hemolytic group A Streptococcus, invades a normally sterile site in the body. This article provides guidelines for establishing surveillance for invasive Strep A infections. The primary objective of invasive Strep A surveillance is to monitor trends in rates of infection and determine the demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with laboratory-confirmed invasive Strep A infection, the age- and sex-specific incidence in the population of a defined geographic area, trends in risk factors, and the mortality rates and rates of nonfatal sequelae caused by invasive Strep A infections.
Formal infectious diseases consultations at a tertiary pediatric hospital: A 14-year reviewWe analyzed the formal consultations seen by the infectious diseases service over a 14-year period at one of the largest pediatric hospitals in Australia.
Rhinovirus C is associated with wheezing and rhinovirus A is associated with pneumonia in hospitalized children in MoroccoWe aimed to describe the distribution of RV species and associations between RV species and clinical features in children hospitalized with clinically severe pneumonia in Morocco
Characterizing the risk of respiratory syncytial virus in infants with older siblings: a population-based birth cohort studyOur results lend support to a vaccination strategy which includes family members in order to provide maximum protection for newborn babies.
Comprehensive candidate gene analysis for symptomatic or asymptomatic outcomes of Leishmania infantum infection in BrazilOur results imply a role for IgG-mediated inflammation in determining delayed-type hypersensitivity associated with asymptomatic leishmaniasis
Respiratory syncytial virus is present in the neonatal intensive care unitThe results suggest that though the risk for RSV in the NICU remains low, personnel clothing are contaminated with RSV-RNA and may have a role in transmission
Lower anti-echovirus antibody responses in children presenting to hospital with asthma exacerbations.This article assesses the absolute and specific antibody titres to VP1 antigens of the gut-trophic enteroviruses, echovirus 30 and Sabin 1 poliovirus, in...
Comparison of approaches to rheumatic fever surveillance across Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries.Rheumatic fever (RF) prevention, control and surveillance are increasingly important priorities in New Zealand (NZ) and Australia.
Post-infectious group A streptococcal autoimmune syndromes and the heartARF is a classical example of an autoimmune syndrome and is of particular immunological interest because it follows a known antecedent infection with group A...