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Are assisted reproductive technology pregnancies more likely to be exposed to teratogenic medication? A whole-population study

Assisted reproductive technology (ART) pregnancies are at greater risk of birth defects than non-ART pregnancies. Teratogenic medication exposure is a potential cause of birth defects that has not been compared between ART and non-ART pregnancies.


Compatibility of pentoxifylline injection with syringe and inline filters

Tobias Strunk MD, PhD, FRACP Head, Neonatal Health Head, Neonatal Health Clinical Professor Tobias Strunk is a


Protocol to implement and evaluate a culturally secure, strength-based, equine-assisted learning program, "Yawardani Jan-ga" (horses helping)

Australian Aboriginal people experience stressors from inequalities across crucial social determinants, including deep and entrenched disadvantage and exclusion. The impact of unaddressed historical issues is pervasive and intergenerational. The disproportionate rates of Aboriginal youth suicide, juvenile detention and imprisonment highlight the inadequacy of existing social and emotional wellbeing programs and services for Aboriginal children and young people.


Developmental Coordination Disorder

Developmental Coordination Disorder is a lifelong disability impacting most aspects of daily living that involve movement. With an estimated prevalence of ~5% of children, the disorder affects an average of one to two children in every Australian classroom.



Bronchiolitis is a respiratory infection, usually occurring in babies under six months of age. It causes them to wheeze and can lead to pneumonia. Researchers are focusing on vaccines against the virus which commonly causes it.


School Attendance

Each day of school missed makes a difference, with the effect on learning accumulating over time. From an early age, if children are taught that they need to 'show up' for school and make a commitment, this positive mentality aids academic and career success and brings benefits in adulthood.

Impact: In the Pipeline

On this Research Impact page, we list stories helping to show our exciting in-progress research currently "in the pipeline" towards translation. This is research which shows a real spark of potential to make a significant difference to children and families worldwide.

Elegant mathematical tool could spell the difference for kids globally

A powerful data tool developed by international child development researcher Professor Sally Brinkman and former research assistant Tom Brown could improve early childhood support for children around the world after being launched in Dubai this year.


An unbiased exploration of the human regulatory landscape

We are made up of hundreds of different cell types carrying out a diverse range of functions essential for organism survival. All the information required to specify the morphology, function and response to stimuli of these cells is encoded in identical copies of the genome. The process of gene regu

Strep A & ARF Therapeutics

The Strep A & ARF Therapeutics research team are working to accelerate research and clinical trials to improve penicillin formulation and treatment methods, to end RHD.