Clinical characteristics of eosinophilic asthma exacerbationsEosinophilic asthma exacerbations may be clinically more severe than non-eosinophilic exacerbation
Key paediatric messages from the 2016 European respiratory society international congressHighlight of some of the most interesting abstracts presented at the 2016 ERS International Congress, which was held in London
Exploration of the Performance of a Hybrid Closed Loop Insulin Delivery Algorithm That Includes Insulin Delivery Limits Designed to Protect Against HypoglycemiaThe algorithm that was tested against moderate exercise and an overreading glucose sensor performed well in terms of hypoglycemia avoidance
European Respiratory Society guidelines for the diagnosis of primary ciliary dyskinesiaGuideline to provide evidence-based recommendations on diagnostic testing for primary ciliary dyskinesia
The safety of maternal immunizationExisting evidence supporting the safety of vaccination during pregnancy should be used to reassure pregnant women and improve vaccine uptake in pregnancy
Lao PDR early childhood education project : snapshot three - child developmentThis snapshot highlights that children in Northern Lao PDR are developing poorly, with disparities in child development across different ethnic groups and family backgrounds
Asymptomatic CMV infections in long-term renal transplant recipients are associated with the loss of FcRγ from LIR-1+ NK cellsCMV can be reactivated in symptom-free renal transplant recipients, affecting the phenotypic, and functional profiles of NK cells
Effect of Maternal Influenza Vaccination on Hospitalization for Respiratory Infections in Newborns: A Retrospective Cohort StudyMaternal influenza vaccination was associated with a reduction in the incidence of hospital admission for acute respiratory illness among infants <6 months old
The cat lipocalin Fel d 7 and its cross-reactivity with the dog lipocalin Can f 1Fel d 7 is a common allergen in a Swedish cat-sensitized population that cross-reacts with Can f 1
Hospital admission for infection during early childhood influences developmental vulnerabilities at age 5 yearsThis study demonstrates a pervasive effect of early life infections that require hospital admission on multiple aspects of early child development