A powerful data tool developed by international child development researcher Professor Sally Brinkman and former research assistant Tom Brown could improve early childhood support for children around the world after being launched in Dubai this year.
A program unfolding in four very diverse locations across Western Australia is working to give children aged 0–4 the best start in life.
Not too long ago, if you had mentioned physical activity to educators at the Sonas Early Learning & Care centres run by Shelley Prendergast, they would automatically have reached for the trusty old obstacle course.
WA Kids Cancer Centre is leading the charge to find innovative new treatments that will allow doctors to ‘dial down’ the amount of toxic treatments needed to fight cancer.
Despite the risk of having a hypo (low blood glucose levels), Gina said she refused to let T1D stop her from exercising.
CliniKids, the first stand-alone clinical service offered by The Kids Research Institute Australia, was launched in October 2019 and is already delivering benefits for families with children who are developing differently.
Strong advocacy efforts have paid off with health and food safety ministers from around Australia and New Zealand finally approving the recommended version of a warning label designed to highlight the potential risks of alcohol during pregnancy.
The ORIGINS Project, a collaboration between The Kids and Joondalup Health Campus, is collecting data and biological samples from 10,000 families over 10 years. Its work is also giving participating families a valuable heads up on health issues.
An international clinical trial led by The Kids Research Institute Australia Cancer Centre is trialling a drug which could increase cure rates for aggressive forms of childhood brain cancer.
The Ngulluk Koolunga Ngulluk Koort (Our Children, Our Heart) Project grew out of a bold vision to harness the wisdom of Aboriginal Elders to improve outcomes for Aboriginal children, producing a suite of Elder-led, culturally appropriate and empowering initiatives that are making a difference.