Showing results for "mental health aboriginal"
Influenza vaccination in Western Australian children: Exploring the health benefits and cost savings of increased vaccine coverage in childrenTo assess potential benefits and direct healthcare cost savings with expansion of an existing childhood influenza immunisation program, we developed a dynamic transmission model for the state of Western Australia, evaluating increasing coverage in children < 5 years and routinely immunising school-aged children.
Patterns of depressive symptoms and social relating behaviors differ over time from other behavioral domains for young people with Down syndromePeople with intellectual disabilities are at a higher risk for experiencing behavioral, emotional, and psychiatric problems in comparison with the general...
Cohort profile: A population-based record linkage platform to address critical epidemiological evidence gaps in respiratory syncytial virus and other respiratory infectionsThe Western Australia (WA) Respiratory Infections Linked Data Platform is a population-based cohort established to investigate the epidemiology of RSV and other respiratory infections in children aged 0-10 years, incorporating microbiological testing patterns, hospital admissions, emergency department presentations, and socio-demographic data.

Our team aims to better understand how the immune response to immune challenges, such as viral infections can influence the risk of developing asthma or autoimmune disease.
Vitamin D status and predictors of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations in Western Australian adolescentsUsing prospective data from the Western Australian Pregnancy Cohort (Raine) Study, we investigated vitamin D status and predictors of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin...

The Kids' autism research takes place at CliniKids, a centre that integrates world-class research with a clinical service for children with developmental delay and/or autism and their families. Our team of researchers work in partnership with clinicians to give the community access to the world's best evidence-based therapies.
Find out how The Kids Research Institute Australia works with Government to influence policy and practice.
Immunogenicity of the inactivated influenza vaccine in children who have undergone allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantThis study provides evidence to support annual inactivated influenza vaccine administration to children following allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplant

Discover the stories of children whose lives have been impacted by Telethon Kids Institute research.
Immunogenicity and clinical effectiveness of the trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine in immunocompromised children undergoing treatment for cancerThe trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine is safe, immunogenic, provides clinical protection and should be administered annually to immunosuppressed children receiving treatment for cancer