Five-Year Antibody Persistence And Safety Following a Combined Haemophilus Influenzae Neisseria Meningitidis Tetanus Toxoid VaccinesThe purpose of this article is to investigate whether the number and timing of stressors experienced during pregnancy impacted longterm motor development at...
The relationship between school climate and mental and emotional wellbeing over the transition from primary to secondary schoolThe current study examined the relationship between students’ mental and emotional wellbeing and factors pertaining to school climate, focusing on the...
Longitudinal analysis of respiratory outcomes among bauxite exposed workers in western AustraliaThis study investigated any associations between cumulative bauxite exposure and respiratory symptoms.
Acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart diseaseAcute rheumatic fever (ARF) is the result of an autoimmune response to pharyngitis caused by infection with group A Streptococcus.
Trends in maternal and newborn health characteristics and obstetric interventions among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mothersTrends in maternal demographic characteristics, pre-existing medical conditions, pregnancy complications and neonatal characteristics were examined.
Seasonal trivalent influenza vaccination during pregnancy and the incidence of stillbirth: Population-based retrospective cohort studyAlthough antenatal influenza vaccination is an important public health intervention for preventing serious infection in pregnant women and newborns, reported...
Immune-Microbiota Interactions: Dysbiosis as a Global Health IssueThe implications of the microbiome extend to virtually every branch of medicine, biopsychosocial and environmental sciences
How well can poor child development be predicted from early life characteristics? A whole-of-population data linkage studyA targeted program would have the potential to prevent one-quarter of the cases of being vulnerable on two or more AEDC domains at age five
Comparing risks of cerebral palsy in births between Australian Indigenous and non-Indigenous mothersIndigenous infants have a higher risk of CP than non-Indigenous infants, especially postneonatal CP.
Soft neurological signs and prenatal alcohol exposure: A population-based study in remote AustraliaSoft neurological signs were more common in children with prenatal alcohol exposure or FASD, consistent with the known neurotoxic effect of PAE