Trajectories of childhood immune development and respiratory health relevant to asthma and allergyOur findings demonstrate the utility of unsupervised analysis in elucidating heterogeneity in asthma pathogenesis
Prenatal adverse life events increase the risk for atopic diseases in children, which is enhanced in the absence of a maternal atopic predispositionThere is evidence to suggest an association between prenatal maternal stress and the development of asthma or other atopic diseases in offspring.
Regulatory role of IL10 genetic variations in determining allergen-induced TH2 cytokine responses in childrenInterleukin-10 is a key immunomodulatory cytokine the principal function of which is to limit the magnitude of immune response.
Increased allergic immune response to Sarcoptes scabiei antigens in crusted versus ordinary scabiesScabies, a parasitic skin infestation by the burrowing "itch" mite Sarcoptes scabiei, causes significant health problems for children and adults worldwide.
Do early-life viral infections cause asthma?Epidemiologic associations between viral lower respiratory infections (LRIs) and asthma in later childhood are well known
Th2-polarisation of cellular immune memory to neonatal pertussis vaccinationCurrent infant vaccination against pertussis in North America and Australia requires three doses of vaccines including diphtheria, tetanus and acellular...
Early aberrant antibody responses of aeroallergen sensitised people to subclinical bacterial infectionEarly aberrant antibody responses, aeroallergen sensitised people, subclinical bacterial infection
Prediction of asthma in childhood from wheezing phenotypes up to age 3 years: findings from community cohorts in Western Australian and the United KingdomIn this project we are examining how well different wheezing phenotypes in the first 3 years of life predict current asthma in adolescents and young adults.
Examining relationships between vitamin D over the first decade of life and development of asthma and allergyThis study shows for the first time the importance of considering vitamin D levels over a prolonged period during childhood, rather than at just one or two ages
Developmental-associated dysregulation of innate anti-microbial immunity in early life as a determinant of susceptibility to atopic asthmaOne of the strongest risk factors for asthma is having chest infections during infancy that are so severe that they trigger symptoms of fever & wheeze