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Perception of pediatric pain: A comparison of postoperative pain assessments between child, parent, nurse, and independent observer

Differences in the assessment of pediatric pain between children, parents, nurses, and independent observers in the acute postoperative setting


Vitamin D deficiency at 16 to 20 weeks' gestation is associated with impaired lung function and asthma at 6 years of age

This paper examines whether a Vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy affects the child's lung function predisposition towards lung disease such as asthma.


Home oxygen therapy for infants and young children with acute bronchiolitis and other lower respiratory tract infections: The HiTHOx program

Recent studies have demonstrated that some children with acute bronchiolitis can be successfully managed using home oxygen therapy.


Crowding and other strong predictors of upper respiratory tract carriage of otitis media-related

We investigated predictors of nasopharyngeal carriage in Australian Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children.


Prolonged use of wind or brass instruments does not alter lung function in musicians

Respiratory function impacts on musical expression for wind/brass (W/B) musicians. Investigation of musicians' respiratory health to date has rarely...

Testing your lungs: Spirometry

Healthy lungs help you to breathe better. This means you can sleep better, as well as play sports, run and walk without being short winded.


Predicting long term lung health outcomes in young adults born very preterm (WALHIP 19 year old follow-up)

Graham Shannon Elizabeth Hall Simpson Smith BAppSci PhD CRFS FANZSRS FThorSoc FERS BMedSci (hons), PhD PhD, MSc, BSc Honorary Research Associate


Preterm Paediatric Inhaled Corticosteroids Intervention (PICSI)

Understanding if ongoing inflammation in the lungs contributes to the poor lung health experienced by some children who were born preterm.


Cuffed vs. uncuffed tracheal tubes in children: A randomised controlled trial comparing leak, tidal volume and complications

Our study compared tidal volume and leakage around cuffed and uncuffed tracheal tubes in children who required standardised mechanical ventilation of the lungs.


How ‘healthy’ do children really need to be? Going beyond the limits

The authors assessed the impact of including preschool‐aged children with a history of preterm birth, early life wheeze, asthma diagnoses and/or recent respiratory symptoms in healthy reference ranges for respiratory impedance using the forced oscillation technique (FOT).