Spatio-temporal patterns of dengue incidence in Medan City, North Sumatera, IndonesiaDengue has been a perennial public health problem in Medan city, North Sumatera, despite the widespread implementation of dengue control. Understanding the spatial and temporal pattern of dengue is critical for effective implementation of dengue control strategies. This study aimed to characterize the epidemiology and spatio-temporal patterns of dengue in Medan City, Indonesia.
Risk of conduct and oppositional defiant disorder symptoms in offspring of parents with mental health problems: Findings from the Raine StudyEpidemiological data indicate that paternal and maternal mental health difficulties are predictors of conduct disorder (CD) and oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) in offspring. We tested the association between maternal anxiety and depressive symptoms and paternal emotional problems with CD and ODD symptoms in adolescent offspring aged 17.
Lurasidone for Adolescents With Complex Mental Disorders: A Case SeriesLurasidone is a new second generation (atypical) antipsychotic agent with unique receptor affinity and side-effect profiles, but limited literature is available on its use in adolescent populations. Contrasting with research treatment trials which typically recruit patients by stringent selection criteria, this case series examined the effects and tolerability of using lurasidone in adolescents within real-life clinical settings in treating complex cases who had not responded to other therapy options. We conducted a retrospective case-note audit of 6 adolescents aged 14 to 17 years old attending community child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) who were prescribed lurasidone.
Impact of covid-19 restrictions on western Australian children’s physical activity and screen timePhysical activity is essential for children’s healthy development, yet COVID-19 physical distancing restrictions such as school closures and staying at home, playground closures, and the cancelling of organised community sport have dramatically altered children’s opportunities to be physically active. This study describes changes in levels of physical activity and screen time from February 2020 (i.e., before COVID-19 restrictions were introduced in Western Australia) to May 2020 (i.e., when COVID-19 restrictions were in place). Parents of children aged 5 to 9 years from Western Australia were eligible to participate and recruited through convenience sampling.
Meningococcal serotype W septic arthritis: Case series in childrenThe epidemiology of invasive meningococcal disease has changed over the last decade and there has been an increase in cases caused by serogroup W135, particularly in Indigenous children. Extra‐meningeal and atypical presentations are associated with serogroup W and may delay diagnosis and therefore appropriate treatment. Public and clinician awareness are essential in facilitating effective new vaccine schedule implementation.
Risk of adverse maternal and foetal outcomes associated with inactivated influenza vaccination in first trimester of pregnancyIn many countries, influenza vaccination is routinely recommended during any stage of pregnancy, yet uptake remains low, particularly in the first trimester. This is thought to be due to maternal concerns regarding vaccine safety. We evaluated the safety of influenza vaccination in the first trimester of pregnancy.
Navigating complexity to support justice-involved youth with FASD and other neurodevelopmental disabilities: needs and challenges of a regional workforceYoung people with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) can face significant challenges in their lives, including overrepresentation in the justice system from a young age. Police questioning and court proceedings can be difficult for these young people to navigate. Practice and policy responses are necessary to identify these individuals, provide appropriate support/rehabilitation, and upskill the justice workforce. The aim of this research was to determine the unmet workforce development needs of a regional workforce providing care and support to youth involved with the justice system.
Increasing vaccine acceptance using evidence-based approaches and policies: Insights from research on behavioural and social determinants presented at the 7th Annual Vaccine Acceptance MeetingIn 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) flagged vaccine hesitancy as one of the top 10 threats to global health. The drivers of and barriers to under-vaccination include logistics (access to and awareness of affordable vaccines), as well as a complex mix of psychological, social, political, and cultural factors.
Zika Virus Changes Methylation of Genes Involved in Immune Response and Neural Development in Brazilian Babies Born With Congenital MicrocephalyThe recent increase in babies born with brain and eye malformations in Brazil is associated with Zika virus (ZIKV) infection in utero. ZIKV alters host DNA methylation in vitro. Using genome-wide DNA methylation profiling we compared 18 babies born with congenital ZIKV microcephaly with 20 controls. We found ZIKV-associated alteration of host methylation patterns, notably at RABGAP1L which is important in brain development, at viral host immunity genes MX1 and ISG15, and in an epigenetic module containing the causal microcephaly gene MCPH1. Our data support the hypothesis that clinical signs of congenital ZIKV are associated with changes in DNA methylation.
Pulmonary Gas Exchange Improves over the First Year in Preterm Infants with and without Bronchopulmonary DysplasiaRight shift of the peripheral oxyhaemoglobin saturation (SpO2) versus inspired oxygen pressure (PIO2) curve is a sensitive marker of pulmonary gas exchange. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of prematurity and bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) on gas exchange and right-to-left shunt in the neonatal period, and its evolution over the first year of life.