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Showing results for "autism"

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Understanding anxiety around uncertainty

In this blog, research project co-ordinator Rebecca Kuzminski discusses anxiety related to uncertainty, why this is a particular challenge for many autistic children, and new research CliniKids is conducting to help parents support their child with managing uncertainty-related anxiety.


Inherited balanced translocation t(9;17)(q33.2;q25.3) concomitant with a 16p13.1 duplication in a patient with schizophrenia.

We report two rare genetic aberrations in a schizophrenia patient that may act together to confer disease susceptibility.


Evaluation of Trauma-Informed Practices in Education

Yasmin Harman-Smith BA, BHlthSc(Hons), PhD Head, Early Years Systems Evidence; Head, Tenders Support Unit Head,

News & Events

ORIGINS family finds comfort and community

A Quinns Rocks family who became the 1000th family to sign up for the ORIGINS Project is excited to be contributing to such ground-breaking research.


A role for affectivity in rapid facial mimicry: An electromyographic study

Using a novel methodological approach, these findings provide evidence for the contention that affective processing underlies rapid facial mimicry reactions


Intention to Engage in Alcohol Use during Pregnancy: The Role of Attitudes and Prototypes

There is no known risk-free level of alcohol use in pregnancy. Despite this, many still believe that occasional drinking is safe. To-date, there is limited evidence of the influences on women's decisions about low to moderate alcohol use in pregnancy.


Well-being and Distress in University Students with ADHD Traits: the Mediating Roles of Self-Compassion and Emotion Regulation Difficulties

Tertiary education is particularly demanding for students with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), who often struggle with emotion regulation and are at greater risk of internalising disorders compared to their peers. Self-compassion is a skill associated with positive mental health and adaptive emotion regulation that might support students in managing the emotional challenges of studying with ADHD.

News & Events

Desire to help others helps one ORIGINS family

Cathy Chopping is thankful she decided to try and help others by joining ORIGINS

Shared Book Reading Program

Find out more about CliniKids' new program which boosts early language skills through book sharing.

News & Events

Children with disabilities 3 times more likely to be maltreated but risk varies by disability type

A new study has found children with disabilities are 3 times more likely to be maltreated compared to other children but that risk varies by type of disability.