Child protection involvement of children of mothers with intellectual disabilityChildren born to parents with intellectual disability (ID) have been shown as disproportionally represented in child protection services however with limited population-based research.
Food Proteins in Human Breast Milk and Probability of IgE-Mediated Allergic Reaction in Children During Breastfeeding: A Systematic ReviewPrevious reports suggested that food proteins present in human milk (HM) may trigger symptoms in allergic children during breastfeeding, but existing evidence has never been reviewed systematically.
Prevalence and subtyping of biofilms present in bronchoalveolar lavage from children with protracted bacterial bronchitis or non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis: a cross-sectional studyLower airway biofilms are hypothesised to contribute to poor treatment outcomes among children with chronic lung disease; however, data are scarce.
Associations of early-life pet ownership with asthma and allergic sensitization: A meta-analysis of more than 77,000 children from the EU Child Cohort NetworkStudies examining associations of early-life cat and dog ownership with childhood asthma have reported inconsistent results. Several factors could explain these inconsistencies, including type of pet, timing, and degree of exposure. Our aim was to study associations of early-life cat and dog ownership with asthma in school-aged children, including the role of type (cat vs dog), timing (never, prenatal, or early childhood), and degree of ownership (number of pets owned), and the role of allergic sensitization.
Supporting Maternal and Child Mental Health Through Dietary Changes Focused on the Gut MicrobiotaGrowing evidence from preclinical studies, epidemiology, and randomized controlled trials supports a causal role for diet quality in mental disorder risk, and clinical psychiatric guidelines now place diet, along with other life-style behaviors, as foundational treatment targets for mood disorders.
Effect of single versus multistrain probiotic in extremely preterm infants: a randomised trialEvidence indicates that multistrain probiotics benefit preterm infants more than single-strain (SS) probiotics. We assessed the effects of SS versus triple-strain (TS) probiotic supplementation (PS) in extremely preterm (EP) infants.
Roadmap to incorporating group A Streptococcus molecular point-of-care testing for remote Australia: a key activity to eliminate rheumatic heart diseaseJonathan Asha Dylan Rosemary Janessa Carapetis AM Bowen Barth Wyber Pickering AM MBBS FRACP FAFPHM PhD FAHMS BA MBBS DCH FRACP PhD GAICD FAHMS OAM
Health-related behaviours and weight status of expectant fathersLittle attention has been given to the health status and lifestyle behaviours of expectant fathers. This study aimed to examine health-related variables in a cohort of expectant fathers to identify potential focus areas for interventions designed to optimise health and wellbeing outcomes in this group.
Influenza epidemiology in patients admitted to sentinel Australian hospitals in 2019: the Influenza Complications Alert Network (FluCAN)This report summarises the epidemiology of hospitalisations with laboratory-confirmed influenza during the 2019 influenza season. The Influenza Complications Alert Network (FluCAN) is a sentinel hospital-based surveillance program that operates at sites in all jurisdictions in Australia.
Age of Diagnosis for Co-occurring Autism and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder During Childhood and Adolescence: a Systematic ReviewEarly identification and intervention are recognised as important elements of the clinical pathway for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Children with ASD and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may be diagnosed at a different age than children who only have one of these diagnoses.