News & Events
HBF Run for a Reason 2014On Sunday May 25th, the 'I love someone with Rett syndrome' team participated in the annual HBF Run for a Reason.
Many girls and women with Rett syndrome experience seizures. We wanted to know if there were any factors that influenced the age when seizures first developed.
Watch videos from the Young Minds Matter team
Discover the news and events of the Rett syndrome and related disorders team, and find out what the team is working on in the fields of children disorders.
Parents and carers reported on the health, school, telephone counselling and online services used by young people, as well as any medication taken.
RSV Protect Study
Researchers at The Kids Research Institute Australia are studying a new pneumococcal vaccine designed to provide a broader protection for 21 serotypes of the bacteria S. pneumoniae – 8 more serotypes than the current vaccine given to new babies.
Highlights from the VTG Laboratory in 2024
If you have any concerns, you can visit your GP or contact Lifeline, beyondblue, Kids' Helpline, headspace, Reach Out or Relationships Australia.
News & Events
The Rett Syndrome Journey: Pathways to FollowOur InterRett team visited Geelong, Australia to attend the first ever Rett Syndrome Association of Australia national conference.