Western environment/lifestyle is associated with increased genome methylation and decreased gene expression in Chinese immigrants living in AustraliaChinese immigrants living in Australia for a longer period of time have increased overall genome methylation and decreased overall gene expression
Characterization and novel analyses of acute stress response patterns in a population-based cohort of young adults: influence of gender, smoking, and BMIIn a young adult cohort, stress-response patterns, in addition to other parameters vary with gender, smoking, and BMI
Predominant bacteria detected from the middle ear fluid of children experiencing otitis media: A systematic reviewGlobally, S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae remain the predominant otopathogens associated with OM as identified through bacterial culture
Djinangingy kaartdijin: Seeing and understanding our ways of workingThis chapter describes the challenges experienced by Aboriginal people in their efforts to negotiate Australian society
Are UHR patients who present with hallucinations alone at lower risk of transition to psychosis?Hallucinations alone at baseline were not significantly associated with a reduced risk of transition to psychosis.
Early Nutrition as a Major Determinant of 'Immune Health': Implications for Allergy, Obesity and Other Noncommunicable DiseasesA better understanding of nutritional programming of immune health may lead to dietary strategies that reduce the burden of many inflammatory diseases
Autism Spectrum Disorder, Language Disorder, and Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder: Overlaps, Distinguishing Features, and Clinical ImplicationsStrictly defined cases of social (pragmatic) communication disorder and specific language impairment can be distinguished from autism spectrum disorder
Introducing ‘Young Minds Matter’This article describes the survey, the response rates achieved and the representativeness of the sample for the Young Minds Matter survey
A genome-wide approach to children's aggressive behavior: The EAGLE consortiumCommon variants at 2p12 show suggestive evidence for association with childhood aggression
Safety and immunogenicity of a booster dose of a 3-antigen Staphylococcus aureus vaccine (SA3Ag) in healthy adults: A randomized phase 1 studyImmune responses after the initial vaccination persisted for the 12 months studied, with little additional response after the booster dose at 6 months