Billionaire Stan Perron has made donations to The Kids as part of the Stan Perron Charitable trust totaling $500,000 a year. Read more about his generosity
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Illuminate Sundowner 2024Illuminate Awards are a philanthropic initiative - shining a light on child health research to help all kids lead happy, healthy lives.
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Meet the Researcher: Dr Samantha CarlsonDr Samantha Carlson is an early career mixed-methods social scientist, leading research that seeks to understand how to improve access to and understanding about vaccination.
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Meet the Researcher: Hannah MooreAfter 20 years at the Institute, Hannah’s career has been a whirlwind of discovery and dedication.
The Together magazine shines a light on our community. It's our way to say thanks to those who tirelessly fundraise or volunteer, to those who donate, advocate, participate in and help drive child health research.
Provision of Engagement Services for the AEDCSupport services to the Department of Education and Training and the AEDC State and Territory Coordinators and their support staff across Australia.
Language in Little Ones (LiLO)The Language in Little Ones (LiLO) study is a five-year longitudinal study (2017-2021), funded through the National Health and Medical Research Council. The study investigates the quantity and quality of language exposure in the home environment during the first five years of a child’s life.