Engaging, supporting and working with children and families in Tasmania’s Child and Family CentresThe results showed that Tasmania's Child and Family Centres had a positive impact on parents' use and experiences of services and supports for young children.
Prenatal factors in cerebral palsyThis article discusses the prenatal factors associated with the development of infants born with cerebral palsy.
Technical Advance: Transcription factor, promoter, and enhancer utilization in human myeloid cellsThe generation of myeloid cells from their progenitors is regulated at the level of transcription by combinatorial control of key transcription factors...
The influence of sighing respirations on infant lung function measured using multiple breath washout gas mixing techniquesThere is substantial interest in studying lung function in infants, to better understand the early life origins of chronic lung diseases such as asthma.
The influence of the neighborhood physical environment on early child health and development: A review and call for researchThis review examines evidence of the association between the neighborhood built environment, green spaces and outdoor home area, and early (0-7 years) child...
The maturation of immune functions in pregnancy and early childhoodThis book chapter explains the maturation of immune functions during pregnancy & in early childhood, and addresses the importance of early environmental...
Measuring Severity of Mental Disorders with the Young Minds Matter: Parent/Carer-Reported Impact ItemsThis document describes the calibration of the parent/carer reported impact items developed for use in the Second Australian Child & Adolescent Survey of...
The relationship between nutrition in infancy and cognitive performance during adolescenceNutrition in early childhood may have a long-term association with fundamental cognitive processing speed, which is likely to be related to enhanced brain...
The negotiations of involved fathers and intensive mothers around shared-bed sleeping with infants (co-sleepingThis article discusses some emerging issues that arose during a much wider evaluative investigation of the Western Australian Health Department's bed-sharing...
Maternity care: A narrative overview of what women expect across their care continuumThe objective of this study was to provide a narrative overview of the values schema underpinning women's expectations of public maternity-care services...