The early Human Capability Index (eHCI)The Early Human Capability Index is a holistic measure intended to capture early child development across diverse cultures and contexts.
Review of Inclusive Preschool ProgramYasmin Adrienne Harman-Smith Gregory BA, BHlthSc(Hons), PhD BSocSci, MPhil Head, Early Years Systems Evidence; Head, Tenders Support Unit Project
Social support helps protects against depressed mood in adolescenceThe goals of the current study were to identify different trajectories of sadness from Grade 6 to 9 in Australian school students, and to explore the role that social support from school, teachers, friends and families play in supporting students’ mental health.
Early Years Strategic Priority – Scoping and Mapping of the South Australian Early Years SystemYasmin Harman-Smith BA, BHlthSc(Hons), PhD Head, Early Years Systems Evidence; Head, Tenders Support Unit Head,
Evaluation of the Learning+ Pilot ProgramYasmin Adrienne Harman-Smith Gregory BA, BHlthSc(Hons), PhD BSocSci, MPhil Head, Early Years Systems Evidence; Head, Tenders Support Unit Project
Review of trends in disabilities, mental health disorders and complex needs among children and adolescentsThe aim of the project was to provide the South Australian Department for Education with a synthesis of high-quality evidence on the population prevalence of various disabilities among school-aged children.
Population Wide Monitoring of Child Health and Development in TuvaluAlanna Sincovich BPsych(Hons), PhD Research Fellow 08 6375 6108 Research Fellow @AlannaSincovich Alanna is a Research
Participation in the Wellbeing and Engagement collection in South Australian schoolsIn South Australian schools, students in Grade 4 to 12 are invited to participate in an annual survey about their wellbeing and engagement in school, referred to as the Wellbeing and Engagement Collection.
Wellbeing and Engagement Collection (WEC) in the South Australian school systemThe aim of the WEC is to help teachers, school leaders and policy makers better understand and support the wellbeing and engagement of their students.
The Wellbeing and Engagement Collection (WEC): Promoting the importance of students’ wellbeing and mental health in schoolso help raise the profile of student wellbeing in the education system in Australia, The Kids Research Institute Australia and SA Department for Education through the Fraser Mustard Centre, set out to adapt and trial a population-level student wellbeing measure that could be used across the entire public and p