Real time monitoring of respiratory viral infections in cohort studies using a smartphone appCohort studies investigating respiratory disease pathogenesis aim to pair mechanistic investigations with longitudinal virus detection but are limited by the burden of methods tracking illness over time. In this study, we explored the utility of a purpose-built AERIAL TempTracker smartphone app to assess real-time data collection and adherence monitoring and overall burden to participants, while identifying symptomatic respiratory illnesses in two birth cohort studies.
Feasibility and safety of introducing cashew nut spread in infant diets-A randomized trialTo reduce peanut allergy prevalence, infant feeding guidelines now recommend introducing peanuts in an age-appropriate form (such as peanut butter) as part of complementary feeding. However, due to a lack of randomized trial evidence, most infant feeding and food allergy prevention guidelines do not include tree nuts. The aims of this trial were to determine safety and feasibility of dosage consumption recommendations for infant cashew nut spread introduction.
‘It’s been a lifelong thing for me’: parents’ experiences of facilitating a healthy lifestyle for their children with severe obesityFor parents and guardians, assisting children/adolescents with severe obesity to lose weight is often a key objective but a complex and difficult challenge. Our aim in this study was to explore parents' (and guardians') perspectives on the challenges they have faced in assisting their children/adolescents with severe obesity to lead a healthy lifestyle.

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Join our Weight & Body Composition Working GroupInterested in research into weight and body composition?

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COVID-19 Update: 27 June 2021COVID-19 27 June 2021 Update: It is business as usual for ORIGINS, though masks must be worn.

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ORIGINS Family Day 2021ORIGINS says thank you to our gorgeous families with a Family Fun Day at the Pearsall Hocking Community Centre.

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ORIGINS has welcomed its 4,000th familyORIGINS has recently welcomed its 4,000th family into the study.

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Tech use impact on child health probed in ORIGINS studyA possible link between a rise in conditions such as obesity and attention deficit disorder and the use of computers and smartphones is the focus of a new ORIGINS Project sub-study into the effects of technology on children’s development.

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ORIGINS BENEFIT study tackling peanut allergyORIGINS BENEFIT study is looking at whether mums eating more allergenic foods during pregnancy and early breastfeeding would make a difference to their children developing allergies.

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Cow’s milk protein allergies on rise in kidsOne of the more common food allergies ORIGINS is seeing in babies is cow’s milk protein allergy (CMPA).