CyberbullyingCyberbullying is a form of online harassment, where the bullying is carried out through the use of modern technology.
A longitudinal study of the social and emotional predictors and consequences of cyber and traditional bullying victimisationFew longitudinal studies have investigated how cyberbullying interacts with traditional bullying among young people, who are increasingly using online...
Understand the relationship between The Kids Research Institute Australia and Wangle Family Insites, a research-driven app to analyse children’s online activity in real time.
“Arguments online, but in school we always act normal”: The embeddedness of early adolescent negative peer interactions within the whole of their offline and online peer interactionsOur aim was to study was to investigate how negative peer interactions on/offline are associated with each and with other daily interactions among adolescents.

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Iconic partnership to bolster parents in cyber safety battleBankwest and The Kids Research Institute Australia have announced a new partnership, bringing together two iconic Western Australian organisations to support parents in their cyber safety battle.

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Dolly’s Dream and The Kids Research Institute Australia launch new partnership with free cyber safety app, BeaconAnti-bullying organisation Dolly’s Dream has partnered with The Kids Research Institute Australia to get Beacon, the free cyber safety app, into the hands of parents and carers across the nation.

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Technology powering researchResearchers at The Kids are harnessing the power of apps and other online tools to ensure the results of their research reach those who need it most – children, young people and families.

News & Events
Top 10 tips to help your child be safer onlineThe Kids Research Institute Australia researcher Professor Donna Cross shares her top 10 tips for parents to help your kids be safer online.
Bridging the gap of school change: Pre-service teachers’ knowledge and understanding of cyberbullyingThe beliefs, attitudes and understandings of pre-service teachers towards bullying and more recently, cyberbullying remains unclear.
Cyberbullying among children and youth:Characteristics and prevention strategiesThis book discusses cyberbullying among children; specifically explaining the prevalence of cyberbullying, the difficulties in detection & prevention, the...