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Folate decision a win for families

Child health expert Professor Fiona Stanley says today's decision by the Federal and State Food Regulation Ministers to fortify food with folate was a great win

News & Events

Back to school: How to pack a healthy lunchbox to keep your child fuelled up for learning and play

Summer holidays are nearly over, and with that, the never-ending requests for snacks that seem to come all day, every day.


Alignment of supermarket own brand foods’ front-of-pack nutrition labelling with measures of nutritional quality: An australian perspective

This study aimed to examine prevalence of front-of-pack nutrition labels on supermarket own brand foods, and alignment with patterns of nutritional quality


Pre- and probiotics for allergy prevention: time to revisit recommendations?

We discuss how the choice of probiotic strains, timing and duration of administration can critically influence the outcome due to different effects on immune modulation and gut microbiota composition


Fructose intake and food sources in West Australian adolescents

This research aimed to cross-sectionally quantify fructose consumption and identify major food sources of fructose in adolescents...


Transforming growth factor-Beta in milk

Findings suggest that TGF-Beta in milk may influence the development of immunological outcomes in offspring.


Dietary fructose in relation to blood pressure and serum uric acid in adolescent boys and girls

Evidence that fructose intake may modify blood pressure is generally limited to adult populations.


No dose-dependent increase in fracture risk after long-term exposure to high doses of retinol or beta-carotene

This intervention study found no increase in fracture risk among 2,322 adults who took a controlled, high-dose retinol supplement (25,000 IU retinyl...


Effectiveness of nutritional support to improve treatment adherence in patients with tuberculosis: a systematic review

Nutritional interventions substantially improve tuberculosis (TB) treatment outcomes and prevent complications. However, there is limited evidence about the connections between having nutritional support and TB treatment adherence. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of nutritional support in improving treatment adherence among patients with TB. 


Geospatial Overlap of Undernutrition and Tuberculosis in Ethiopia

Undernutrition is a key driver of the global tuberculosis (TB) epidemic, yet there is limited understanding regarding the spatial overlap of both diseases. This study aimed to determine the geographical co-distribution and socio-climatic factors of undernutrition and TB in Ethiopia.